It most certainly does. As does the fact several hundred pounds if not thousands of pounds of drugs come over every year. Property damages and theft from the illegals etc.
But the fact remains even if none of this were true, you still wouldn’t approve of “them”.
Besides the fact its against Federal law.
Yes, but that law was manipulated to work against our own best interests as it was designed to permit qualified applicants into the country. Most of the 12 million already here should have been permitted entry. It was only because we decided to ignore our increased need for labor and arbitrarily kept our quotas unreasonabley low that created this situation. We also passed new laws that compounded the issue because those that may have left were essentially forced to stay. Our policies need to be changed to reflect the realities of our need for their labor and their contribution to our growth as a nation. If they hadn’t come we would have lost their contribution. They didn’t create their poverty, they didn’t create our economic problems that necessitates their labor and they had no say in the laws that arbitrarily makes them “illegal”. Fortunately, most of these people will make exactly the type of citizens we want and need. Meanwhile, they are law abiding, work, pay taxes, consume and grow as a population. All these things are good for us as a nation.