So that’s it hunh? Y’all cool now?
You allowed yourself to get wrapped around the axle on relativism * I would still call her an enemy of Catholicism. If enemy is too strong a word, think of another that describes the lengths you’ve had to go to defend its tenets here.*
Least: I attended a Lenten retreat years ago on the Last Four Things. It was so powerful the words entered my soul. Our pastor told us that in order for us not to receive a damning judgement from the Lord, we must continually judge
ourselves, our motivations and the emotions that drive us. Our own person must be only recipient of our judgment.
One can reasonably wonder why those who identify themselves as Catholic are on a Catholic forum at all while at odds with the Church. But we must trust they are following their own conscience. I worry more and pray for the lurkers who have a tenuous faith who might read comments that further put them in jeopardy. Our purpose is to defend the faith as best we can and just release the others to God. We simply cannot know their minds or hearts and I continually pray that their support of non-negotiable issues such as SS marriage, the infallible teaching on women priests and life issues not unduly influence struggling Catholics. I personally believe that some doubts (and personal beliefs contra to the faith) should be kept hidden from publicity and only exposed in the Confessional or during spiritual direction lest errant ways cause another to fall. Be at peace - God reads all hearts and knows exactly who His enemies are. It is not for us to say.