How much do you know about Mormonism? I don’t mean ‘are they nice people?’ Or anything like that. I mean, have you studied anything about Mormon doctrine?
And, no, you don’t have to go to any 'anti-Mormon sources. Although you can use them as shortcut’s, official Mormon doctrine will tell you all you need to know:
Mormons are definitely NOT Christian! When asked, they usually claim the fact that they use the name of Jesus, in the title of their Church. It’s not the same Jesus we belie e in. This Jesus is an elevated (‘exalted’ in their vernacular) human being, who, like all worthy Mormon males has, or will, become a god, once he is deemed worthy. Yes, lots of Gnosticism. And, an almost limitless supply of potential Gods, as godhood is the goal of every Mormon!
They have no problem with ‘lying for the lord’. If it will, in the minds of their prophets and elders help you, or them, to attain exaltation, they can take liberties with what is, or is not, true Mormon doctrine.
Yes, there are exceptions, but, since the internet anti-Mormon sites have proven that they’re not easy to get rid of, church-going Mormons are learning more than ever! About their true doctrine, and how to make it palatable to outsiders. Not an easy job, but one that must be done!
I could go on, but I think you get the picture…you’re setting yourself up for a life of misery if you marry this woman! If you feel you have to see her again, make sure you are strong in your faith, and brush up on the facts of hers.
Wishing you well. God Bless!