Im confused about this

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My mom said Jesus is God I thought Jesus is the son of God and that God and Jesus are two separate souls is Jesus God or is he the son of God and God hasn’t revealed himself to us I’m really confused are they two separate souls or one
John.10: [30] I and the Father are one."

No Jesus HAS 2 separate NATURES:
A perfect Human nature & always His Divine {Godly Nature}

Jesus was like US in every way except for SIN. We must not confuse “natures” with Soul’s.

**The Blessed TRINTIY consist of **
God the Father
God the Son {Jesus}
God the Holy Spirit

Catholic Holy Communion is:
FROM God the Father
OF God the Son
BY God the Holy Spirit

Thanks for asking,
That gets a bit into some murky water.

The Father is God
Jesus is God
The Holy Ghost is God

The Father is not Jesus
Jesus is not the Father
The Father is not the Holy Spirit
The H2O is just an analogy but it could be misinterpreted as to mean that God is just manifesting Himself in different forms, which is not true. God is a relation within Himself, and the Holy Trinity are THREE Distinct Persons yet One God.
We are created in God’s image, body, soul and spirit.

So, Jesus = body

Soul = God the Father

Spirit = Holy Spirit

Three persons on one God.
That is a terrible analogy.
We are created in God’s image because we have free will, the ability to understand transcendent abstract truths, and the ability to love.

The one Divine Nature is fully possessed by each of the Three Persons, Father Son Spirit. So whatever is truly said of God, is true of each of the Persons. For example, God is Love, God is all knowing, God is all powerful, God is Eternal. Any and all descriptions that apply to God in His Divine Nature applies also to each of the three Persons. God is Love applies to each of the three Persons.

The distinction between the three Persons is based on their relationship between one another.
The H2O is just an analogy but it could be misinterpreted as to mean that God is just manifesting Himself in different forms, which is not true.
Yes. That would be called Modalism, which was one of the earliest heresies the Church rejected.
The Trinity is a mystery. Don’t try too hard to reason it out. Catholics believe in three persons in one God. In my Catholic youth it was often illustrated by analogies to a 3 leaf clover or 3 matches held together creating one flame.
Do you have a Catechism?
None of us will fully understand it until we are with God in Heaven.
If I may, I would like to amend this.

None of us will fully understand it, even when we are with God in Heaven. We will, of course, understand everything that our nature is able to, and be perfectly satisfied, though.
There is simply no analogy that will allow us to have anything more than a very basic understanding of the Trinity. (To be fair, we will only ever have a basic understanding, no matter how far we delve.) All of them do have elements of truth to them. Any analogy will eventually lead us into heresy if we follow it too far, though. The Trinity is the Trinity. There is nothing in nature that we can observe that is like it. This is hard to accept, but we must.
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Think of Saint Patrick. He used a clover to explain the trinity to the people of Ireland. The clover ♣️. the top is God the Father, the right is Jesus the Son and the left is the Holy Spirit. 3 in 1. It doesn’t matter which 1 you pray to, they are the same.
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If I may, I would like to amend this.

None of us will fully understand it, even when we are with God in Heaven.
According to Aquinas, we will see God perfectly as He reveals himself to us in his entirety (Beatific Vision), and we will be able to do that because we will be in Mystical Unity with Him. We will be perfectly happy, which means that we will have no doubts or lack for any knowledge.

In heaven we partake in God’s divine nature. That is why Jesus became incarnate. See 2 Peter 1:4 “Through these, he has bestowed on us the precious and very great promises, so that through them you may come to share in the divine nature, after escaping from the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire.”

and Athansius’s statement:

“For the Son of God became man so that we might become God.”
OK, I removed the water analogy. BTW - that video was pretty awesome
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I just read the corpus (Just the corpus. The thing’s a novel!) of Supplement, 92, 1, and it appears you’re right. I guess I may have been remembering some objections, as opposed to what Aquinas (edit: it wasn’t Aquinas actually. Whoever wrote the supplement after his death.) actually said, as it has been a while since I’ve had “formal” instruction in the Summa. (Not a classroom setting, but my pastor was nice enough to take time to go over a not insignificant chunk of it with me.)
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So there was this one time St. Augustine was trying super hard to understand the Holy Trinity ( who is Our God). He was walking by the shore and was literally using every bit of his amazing intellect to try and grasp the mistery of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.He saw this little boy running back and fourth from the sand to the water. He was taking water from the ocean in a tiny sea shell and running to a little hole he had dug into the sand and dumping it in the little place. St. Augustine thought this was cute and went up to him to ask him what he was doing. The little boy replied “ I am going to put the whole ocean into the little hole I made in the sand”. St. Augustine laughed and told him that it was impossible to do that. As soon as he said that the little boy didn’t look like a little boy anymore,but like an angel. The angel spoke with the voice of a full grown man and said “ It would be easier for me to put the entire ocean in this tiny hole than for you, as a creature, to understand the mystery of God”.
God is infinite, we can never fully understand Him because He cannot be contained. Just know this, Jesus is fully God, just like God The Father and God the Holy Spirit. Neither one is more God than the other, neither one is more important the the other. They are each Fully God. They are one God. They are not three Gods neither are they different parts of a God. They are one God in three different persons who are each fully God. When you honor The Father you honor God the Son and God the Holy Spirit because even thought they are not the same person, they are the same God. I don’t understand it, and I just accept that I can’t. He doesn’t ask us to understand but to accept and to believe.
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