I'm sick of suffering all the time

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You don’t base your piety or holiness on feelings.
My day started out quite good and have been looking forward to the day, I even got to Mass this morning but it didn’t take long to descend to a pit of despair.
Again: see a doctor about treating your depression. I don’t know why you won’t engage with the idea that you have an actual medical problem.
Maybe I have but if other people left me alone it wouldn’t be so bad.
True enough, but if you availed yourself of some mental health resources maybe you’d be better able to deal with the daily grind of annoying coworkers. Don’t just wallow in your misery. It sounds very much like you have depression. There are resources available to help you: take advantage of them. As it is, you’re like a person with a broken leg who is sitting at home complaining that his leg hurts, but refuses to actually go see a doctor to get the bone set.

By all means, keep praying too, but it’s not either/or. You can approach this problem from both a medical and spiritual direction at the same time.
The enemy hopes to bring people to despair, but as it has been mentioned, there are often medical causes for despair. Medications can go a long way towards combating this. God created doctors and medications for a reason. Please see a doctor about this depression and despair.

Think of the modern day parable about the guy who refuses rescuers while on the roof of a drowning house, “God will rescue me!” When he gets to heaven and asks why, God says “well I sent six people to rescue you.”

Don’t be the guy on the roof. Seek professional help!
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