Well firstly, you won’t enjoy suffering until you are very spiritually advanced so don’t worry about that. It may or may not happen, I wouldn’t count on it myself. Many of us settle for just accepting it gracefully and trying not to whinge too much. Look at it this way, you can suffer alone or you can suffer with Jesus.
As for the point of it, suffering helps redeem souls, your own and that of others. Jesus is so good that He allows us to participate in our redemption (and that of others). He has already perfectly redeemed the world, but we add our suffering to His to do our bit so to speak. A little bit like a parent allowing a child to help with chores. It’s for our own good. Also you can do your purgatory on earth by suffering. You may also be saving other souls. Do some googling at that and see how many saints have discovered that suffering has saved a soul from hell! Now I am no saint, but I dont think we all get to know if and when and what our sufferings are all doing to redeem ourselves or others. I think that’s God’s business and if he reveals it so be it, if not so be it. But just imagine, we could be saving souls, that is pretty big. So you aren’t a waste you are filling up heaven.
Jesus will never ever abandon you, he says he will stay with us. Google Mother Angelica and Fr Mike on suffering. God bless you x