I'm sick of suffering all the time

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…they are lacking in Fellowship with Christ (St. Matthew 7:21-23).
I can say from personal experience that this is not true. Do you have a window to the soul of everyone who takes their life? No, you don’t.

Depression is a medical condition, not a spiritual failing. What you’re saying is irresponsible and potentially dangerous.
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So God cannot respond to people who are depressed?

Maran atha!

Then God must be punishing me for decades and for several past lives as my situation continues from worse to worse to worse…

Maran atha!

That’s not what I said. I was responding to your claim that people kill themselves because they don’t have a relationship with Jesus, which is BS.
When we allow the world to take the rein of our lives we seldom continue in Fellowship with Christ; people who cannot see but suicide as the answer are no longer including God in the choices they make.

Yes, it is a great and warm feeling to think that God does not fault anyone for committing suicide… but have you not noticed that suicide becomes an acceptable commodity as the secular world pushes against God and the religious world capitulates to “last resort” theology?

It would be interesting to find statistics on this issue.

Maran atha!

Its hard to know how to respond to your post @Nelka ,to know whether you are suffering in the mind or body,
to know if you are getting practical help or not .Prayers continuing,God bless.
Go outside of yourself! Focus on those suffering greater trials than yourself. Fr. Benedict Groeschel† Franciscan Friar, Priest and clinical psychologist, advised those who were suffering or depressed to do volunteer work with the aged,the poor, those in hospice. Focusing your compassion on them, bonding with them, helping them however you can places your own suffering in perspective and also grants you the wonderful opportunity to offer your suffering for their sake.
Could be any number of reasons.

Are you under a doctor’s care? Perhaps your issues could have more to do with your brain chemistry than anything spiritual?

I don’t know you, obviously, so I’m just throwing out ideas. I do think sometimes devout people assume that everything must have a spiritual cause, which isn’t necessarily the case.
Well firstly, you won’t enjoy suffering until you are very spiritually advanced so don’t worry about that. It may or may not happen, I wouldn’t count on it myself. Many of us settle for just accepting it gracefully and trying not to whinge too much. Look at it this way, you can suffer alone or you can suffer with Jesus.

As for the point of it, suffering helps redeem souls, your own and that of others. Jesus is so good that He allows us to participate in our redemption (and that of others). He has already perfectly redeemed the world, but we add our suffering to His to do our bit so to speak. A little bit like a parent allowing a child to help with chores. It’s for our own good. Also you can do your purgatory on earth by suffering. You may also be saving other souls. Do some googling at that and see how many saints have discovered that suffering has saved a soul from hell! Now I am no saint, but I dont think we all get to know if and when and what our sufferings are all doing to redeem ourselves or others. I think that’s God’s business and if he reveals it so be it, if not so be it. But just imagine, we could be saving souls, that is pretty big. So you aren’t a waste you are filling up heaven.

Jesus will never ever abandon you, he says he will stay with us. Google Mother Angelica and Fr Mike on suffering. God bless you x
Please see your professional health care team. We cannot advise you
Offer up your sufferings to God and conversion of sinners know that God does not cause suffering. It thought our own faults in original sin we suffer. There is a lovely sripture in Philippians. 4:8
For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever modest, whatsoever just, whatsoever holy, whatsoever lovely, whatsoever of good fame, if there be any virtue, if any praise of discipline, think on these things.
Focus on what reward you will have in heaven God will reward you you are in my prayers
Why is it some people cope better with suffering than others?
Mom was the most devote person I’ve ever known. I could not understand how she could weather it all; her dying counsel to me was to not allow her suffering and her death to separate me from the Church, from God. She wanted me to understand that we are in His Hands–she died the very next day… I can tell you stories about her suffering and her acceptance…

Here’s a tiny window: once (she was homebound) a new nurse came to visit; as she entered the apartment she saw mom on a recliner; she searched for the patient; she did not see her in the bedroom or the bathroom (both had the door opened); as I noted her somewhat bewildered I asked if she was looking for the patient… she could not reconcile mom with the patient on the charts (multiple heart attacks, multiple illnesses, suffering from a coma, seizure, high blood pressure, respiratory illness…); Mom offered everything up to God!

Maran atha!

Suffering can be in vain. Sometimes it is better to avoid it if it is without cause. The martyrs suffered the pain of torture and death for the crown of eternal life and for their witness to how much love they have for Jesus to the point of imitation of the ultimate sacrifice and suffering of Christ nailed to the cross. If they suffered for their own glory’s sake or for selfish reason then why should they suffer in the first place? It will be a whole waste. If God sends you scourges and suffering, it is meant to strengthen you indeed. You do not have to feel it. He wants you to be a saint, and the cross is not the cross without suffering. I hope this helps. My next rosary is for you.
The only advice I can offer is to continue offering up your sufferings for various noble intentions like

the souls in purgatory
those who are dying unprepared
your own personal intentions
for someone else’s intentions
for the sanctification of priests

So yes, don’t worry about your sufferings being wasted, like the quote above from Archbishop Sheen.

We can pray to God to remove the crosses, but ultimately it’s up to Him.
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