Better to have one who chooses than 100 who yield.
I can unfortunately testify to something like this in my life.Agree that on some level the forums do nothing to bring anyone into the church. I almost wonder if some catholics have either left the faith because…
This was also helpful to me. I would search google with a Catholic subject of interest followed by “catholic answers forum.” I can’t remember a time when there was not at least one link for any subject searched. It seems every possible subject pertaining to Catholicism was discussed and archived here at one time or another. Also I learned more reading those threads than I did reading most other material that I found online.How just far back the archive went. So many times when trying to find information on something, sometimes quite obscure things, I was able to find it in the forums via searching because someone mentioned it years ago. The most useful thing for the forums (to me) is not even present-day discussion, but rather all of the past discussion that was available. It is why I really hope they will at least preserve some kind of an archive for the forums.
Fair enough.I did not ask you .