I'm still mad about CAF closing down

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Agree that on some level the forums do nothing to bring anyone into the church. I almost wonder if some catholics have either left the faith because…
I can unfortunately testify to something like this in my life.

I was a convert to Catholicism. I made serious and substantial sacrifices to become Catholic. But CAF… I can’t blame everything on CAF. But I can say that it was information I discovered here, and advice (presumably sincerely meant) given to me by users of this site, that led me down a path, that extended into real life interactions, to where I’ve now been without the sacraments for months, and can no longer even look at a photo of the Eucharist without crying (much less attend a virtual Mass, much less an in-person Mass).

I have no idea where my path will ultimately go. But it seems to me that if it wasn’t for CAF, I might still be happily receiving Reconciliation and the Eucharist and considering myself a practicing Catholic. Versus where I’m at now, which I can’t even articulate.

Just my story.

Glad CAF is shutting down.
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I’m sad it’s shutting down because I enjoyed popping in from time to time. I originally came to the old CA forums because a family member “challenged” me to revisit Catholicism.

I was raised in an actively practicing Catholic family, including 12 years of Catholic school, but never really believed it and left the Church when I was 20.

The common argument I would get from Catholics who wanted me to return was that I was poorly taught during the 60’s and 70’s and never really knew what Catholicism was, and I owed it to myself and my family to take another look.

I am the only one of six kids who left the Church.

So I hung out here quite a lot back then and asked a ton of questions and participated in lots of discussions and basically found out that the Church pretty much teaches what I learned growing up, and that I still don’t believe it. I had actually done a lot of extracurricular reading of Catholic books, lives of saints etc when I was growing up, beyond what we learned in school and at home.

I’m glad the forums were here to get some answers and meet some interesting people. Honestly I never really liked the new format, but still popped in from time to time. Like most of the rest of the internet it has been increasingly political and divided these past few years, and perhaps it’s run its course.
How just far back the archive went. So many times when trying to find information on something, sometimes quite obscure things, I was able to find it in the forums via searching because someone mentioned it years ago. The most useful thing for the forums (to me) is not even present-day discussion, but rather all of the past discussion that was available. It is why I really hope they will at least preserve some kind of an archive for the forums.
This was also helpful to me. I would search google with a Catholic subject of interest followed by “catholic answers forum.” I can’t remember a time when there was not at least one link for any subject searched. It seems every possible subject pertaining to Catholicism was discussed and archived here at one time or another. Also I learned more reading those threads than I did reading most other material that I found online.
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As long as it does not get to this level…
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Well, good to know you changed your mind on certain things and that things worked out well. As we live it’s natural to learn lessons and find better ways of handling things. Hope you continue growing in grace and joy even after the erasure of CAF!
Could you expound on this experience? PM me if you don’t want it to be public. I think I’ve gone through something similar.
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