at the end of the day, a choice is being made with both parties knowing the possible consequences.
It is not about the final choice, it is about the OPTIONS. I agree that, in almost all cases, the right choice should be to keep the baby. But, in a free society, how can you force some to make that decision unless you give her the resources and support to make it work?
Let me give you an example. This is why I get frustrated with the whole “pro-life” thing from Republicans (and to a lesser degree, Catholics):
In my state - and I know this from DIRECT experience:
- How much does it cost to adopt a domestic baby from Catholic Family Services?
- How much does it cost to adopt a domestic baby from the state-run Department of Child/Family Services?
If you adopt from Catholic Family Services, it costs you at least $15,000-$20,000 (probably a lot more now). If the adoption falls through (for example, the woman/girl or even the birth father changes their mind - up to about 2 years), you lose the child and the money anyway. Catholic Family Services will not support your fight to keep the baby. Legal costs if you want to fight for the child are not included. No health care is provided for the child. No education funding. No additional funds to support the child are provided, even if serious medical issues are later found. You do get some free presents for a few years at the annual Christmas party.
If you adopt through the state, it is free. In fact, you get paid monthly as foster parents up until the baby is legally adopted. Any public education costs are paid for, through college (such as attending a state university or tech school). Health care is paid for until age 18. Your legal costs are paid for. If the birth parents change their mind, but the state still feels it is in the child’s best interests to be adopted (which is unfortunately rare), legal fees are paid for. If the child has special needs (which most of them do), you get additional funding to pay for any medical equipment, therapy, etc.
Now you tell me - who is PRO-LIFE?