Immaculate Conception and HDO in general

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A past thread on CAF that lists all the previous 36 days also states that before Pope Pius X even got around to winnowing down the universal list, many individual countries had already shortened the list quite a bit through the bishop’s authority, so that for example, Canada had 6 days, USA had 6 days, and UK and Ireland had between 8 and 13 days. Other countries likely did the same. The Pope likely took into account which days were still observed in the most places when making up his list.
Ah I hadnt considered that. that probably had alot to do with it.
The Anunciation often gets moved because it conflicts with the Triduum or Easter. There is a reason for that.
This isn’t doctrine, but is a nice traditional thought – some of the Fathers of the Church proposed that some of the most important events in the world’s history all happened on the same day: March 25
The Creation
The night of the Passover leading to the Exodus
The Anunciation
Good Friday
… which might imply that March 24 is always good day to go to Confession.

So instead of making the Anunciation an obligation-just assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on that day!
And during the Creed - be sure to kneel at the Incarnatus as we always do on Christmas and the Anunciation.
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make the Annunciation (25 March) a Holy Day of Obligation, never derogated, never transferred, never subject to indult in any diocese.
So it would replace Good Friday when it falls on that day?
Interesting question. I’d have to study on that one. For that matter, what if Easter fell on 25 March?

How do Eastern Christians handle this dilemma?
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Currently when March 25 is Good Friday, the Annunciation does not replace Good Friday, but instead moves to the following Monday.

Aleteia — Catholic Spirituality, Lifestyle, World News, and Culture

What Happens When the Feast of the Annunciation Falls on Good Friday?

It happens periodically, and it’s happening again this year: next Friday, March 25 is both Good Friday and the Feast of the Annunciation. What’s a Catholic to do? The USCCB in its official calendar notes the following: Since March 25, 2016 is Friday…

Good Friday has to fall on the Friday before Easter, so unless you planned to move Easter, we cannot move Good Friday; nor can we have a Mass on Good Friday.
Makes sense. On Easter we celebrate the Resurrection, therefore it wouldn’t be at all incongruous to celebrate the Incarnation on the next day, “bringing things full circle”. (Yes, I know, “but where does that leave the Ascension?”)

When I am elected Pope, you will definitely be on my speed dial 🙃 :phone:
Obligation does not apply first to commands from the Church. It applies to US. If we love God as we claim, our actions, our devotion to Him will show through our love of Him and our obedience to Him.

Cheerful obedience.

God loves a cheerful giver. At the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we give of ourselves, adding ourselves to the sacrificial offering to the Father.

As to Mary’s conception, I am reading about Saint Bernadette Soubirous. A tiny, illiterate child, barely a teen, was told by the apparition that she was the Immaculate Conception. Bernadette had to memorize that phrase as she ran to tell of the words.

No earthly way she could have known that. And, as to that Conception, Jesus took His full humanity - 100% - every bit of flesh and NATURE from Mary. If His nature was perfect and perfectly human, it could only have come from Mary’s perfect human nature. The Immaculate Conception is the only reasonable, logical and (even more important) fitting answer. Remember that before creation, Mary was in God’s mind - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christ created His own mother. Would He, could He, did He create imperfection, or perfection?
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Currently when March 25 is Good Friday, the Annunciation does not replace Good Friday, but instead moves to the following Monday.
As your link says, it is moved to the Monday of the second week of Easter, April 4.

All the days in the Octave of Easter outrank the Annunciation.
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