So why immigrate??:
Most Mexicans See Better Life in U.S. – One-In-Three Would Migrate
Mexicans are overwhelmingly dissatisfied with the direction of their country and nearly six-in-ten say those who leave their country for the United States enjoy a better life there. One-in-three would move to the U.S. if they had the opportunity.
To expand further on this, I understand why they might want to immigrate, but I don’t think what they want is sufficient justification to forego our immigration laws, because they want to earn more money. I expect 1/3 of the global population would move to the US if they had the opportunity. Are we obligated to take in 2 billion people, because they’d like to live here rather than deal with their circumstances?
It may be a bit facetious, but many people want a younger, more attractive, and compliant spouse. Is that justification sufficient, should we enable them to flee their current predicament?
I read your school article. Obviously they have issues but they are solvable issues, if they work at it. Some of our inner city schools have the exact same problems of violence outside of school, truancy, no-show teachers, and lack of working technology in the classrooms. The article implied corruption is the root issue. Only the people involved, living in the community, can put a stop to this behavior IMHO. I believe corruption is also a key issue in our failing schools.