He’ll get over it!Again, thank you for all your prayers and comments.
To answer some of the questions. Yes, we do have children who thank God are unaware of the situation. To clarify, my husband is not a poker player. He occasionally watches on TV. The main reason for going is to say, I have been to the mansion.
As for the actual invite this is a whole other issue. On a flight he sat next to a single woman whose brother is playing in the tournament. After chatting and even meeting the brothers wife he was invited. I do have a problem with this and we have argued about this too. His claim is he is not attracted and he would be going with the whole family. I believe married men/women should not go anywhere with the opposite sex without their spouse meeting them. Especially not strangers. He claims he is not attracted which I do believe but the whole principal is the problem.
To get back to the point. We have spoken and he is not going to go. However, this is a BIG however, he has made is clear I am wrong. First, b/c I don’t trust him. Second, I don’t understand what it means to sin. He said doing an immoral act is sinning. Going to a place where immoral acts occur is not a sin for him nor wrong b/c he is not planning to do anything. Third, I am an unloving wife, b/c he said if I wanted to do something even if it meant going to an abortion clinic for a craft show he would be ok with that.
Besides all that, he tried to accuse me of being a hypocrite b/c I have been to vegas back in college. I didn’t attend vulgar shows but the fact that I went to a place of “sin” makes me a hypocrite.
I am sorry for this long reply. I really am confused and a little depressed. I feel I don’t have the convincing material for my husband to understand I am being a loving wife.
God Bless.