Immoral and the p-boy mansion?

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This is a question of behaving in a trustworthy fashion.
Trust is earned. period. You can, or cannot trust someone - there is no maybe.

So this woman’s husband goes to the mansion. Plays his game… wins/loses and comes home… with a clean conscience.

Temptation… limitless.
NOT acting upon it… trust, honor, & respect.
Coming home & talking about it = marriage

(How does a gravel omelette taste?.. I usually like a good 'ol “Denver Style” myself…)

I’ve done installs at “Gentleman’s Clubs”, Strip Joints, T*tty Bars, or whatever you want to call them. Some jobs are weeks long. Whatever I see during the day is shaken off when I walk to my truck and drive back home… (mostly occupied by what I’d think if my daughter was on stage…). My wife isn’t particularly happy when I work in these places, but realizes that it’s a part of what I do, it’s a part of the world we live in… and I’ll always be coming HOME.

Many of us can’t “pick & choose” the venues we make our livings at.
'kies, here goes. 🙂
Trust is earned. period. You can, or cannot trust someone - there is no maybe.
If I understand you correctly, I think we’re technically in agreement here.
So this woman’s husband goes to the mansion. Plays his game… wins/loses and comes home… with a clean conscience.

Temptation… limitless.
NOT acting upon it… trust, honor, & respect.
Coming home & talking about it = marriage
Overcoming temptation is super! However, in this particular situation it is not at simple as the outline you’ve made. There are at least two other major issues at play, both of which show why it would be wrong to attend this event.

First, as Catholics we have the responsibility to avoid situations in which we will be sorely tempted toward evil. Every time we go to confession and say the Act of Contrition, we promise Jesus that we will “avoid the near occasion of sin”–it’s that important! The type of man who shows such an interest in going to the Playboy mansion is highly unlikely also to be the type of man who does not encounter any temptation when faced with that kind of gratuitous display.

Second, we also have the responsibility not to support or endorse institutions that directly promote evil. This guy has the opportunity to say, “No, I’m not going and I think that poker tournaments should not be held in such an unsavory venue.” For a Catholic, it would be sinful and scandalous to condone the mansion and what it stands for. Even secularly-speaking, it is not exactly the most admirable of actions to sacrifice one’s (supposed) principles for a game or a paycheck. That’s called selling out. 😦

I hardly think we’d even be discussing this if the poker tournament were being held at, say, Planned Parenthood Headquarters. Hmm?

On a side note, we can pick and choose what where we spend our leisure time and where we make our livings. It’s just not easy.

As for the gravel… well, hopefully I’ll see eye-to-eye with my future husband and that won’t be an issue. Because yes, Denver style is nicer. 🙂
I agree with nearly all the posters.
I saw Hefner on TV the other day, with his three (at once) live-in ladies (blonde clones). I would not want to be uncharitable and say they must be total idiots.
I wouldn’t walk across the street to meet that guy, he’s such a loser. We can only pray for his soul.
I read an article about Hugh, maybe it was an interview or something. Anyway, he claimed he was just as responsible for Row v Wade as the Supreme court. I doubt it is true, but you must wonder why he would claim such things. He is obviously immoral and possibly evil. Who knows maybe he funded something or something along those lines.
Second, we also have the responsibility not to support or endorse institutions that directly promote evil. …
On a side note, we can pick and choose what where we spend our leisure time and where we make our livings. It’s just not easy.
Unless there’s a “refusal to work” clause in your employment contract, like mine.
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