I don’t really know what ‘determining its own growth’ means honestly. We’d normally attach ‘determination’ to a capacity for self-aware thought processes which wouldn’t exist until at least some time after the brain began forming.
There are realities of pregnancy that we can’t get away from, so while I appreciate the idea that all life deserves equal respect, most people’s lives aren’t contingent on the ongoing availability of another person’s body. I gave this example either here or in another thread, but imagine a prematurely born child with a failing liver that needs a partial organ transplant from a compatible donor, with the only likely donor to be found in time being the mother.
Perhaps she has good reason or perhaps not, the risks are too high, or she has children already who count on her and the risk of leaving them without a mother is too much, but if she doesn’t risk her life and well-being to give that part of herself, would we call that murder the way abortion is?