OK, ‘all things considered’ you appear to think that it’s just wine and roses. ‘Just fine’ to use your term. So may I ask if the abortion rate is ‘just fine’. Or the rate of divorce is ‘just fine’. Or the homicide rate is ‘just fine’. Or domestic violence. Or drug use. Or…well, you get the general drift in the line of enquiry.
And spare me the ‘Judeo-Christian’ diversion. You would claim that all of western society is based on their principles when they are universal principles valued by all civilised states. You just happen to share them (notwithstanding that you drop the Judeo portions of moral codes like a hot potatoe when it suits you - just another classic example of picking them cherries). What you should be comparing is the problems with an overtly Christian society - the US, with specifically secular countries. Then see how you stack up.
And you said a love affair with Islam by leftists is a cause of your problems. I see you’ve dropped that nonsensical line of reasoning and changed it to a charge that no-one seems to care about the treatment of Muslim women. Something completely different and equally specious. How about you type ‘Hitchens’ and ‘Muslims’ into Google and see where it takes you. Plenty tonread and listen to there. Lots of diatribes by leftist atheists against Islam and its treatemnt of women. Not that has the slightest connection with the thread but it will disavow you of your ilL informed comments.
And if it’s a little more involved then a simple correlation between what we see in the bible and what is on the statute books, you might take the time to explain. You might, for example explain why is it that we see no reference to making false idols on the books. Or working on the Sabbath. Or (and this is the clincher) having no other gods except yours.
I can save you the time if you like. There is no correlation. Right minded people, when formulating the laws by which we live in a secular society, could care less about someone having other gods or picking up sticks on a Sunday. But right minded people, universally, whatever the religion of that country or even where there is no established religion, have an aversion to people being murdered. connect the dots Raxus and reach a conclusion.
And yes, the guy who has a belief that we should execute people who blaspheme is a moron. So I think that we are in agreement that in a pluralistic society of different beliefs, he shouldn’t have the right to impose his religious beliefs on others.
Hey, did you see what we did there? We answered the OP’s question. Well, waddyaknow…