There are two references to logic in the article about Boolean algebras that you linked to.Look at the SEP article again.
in Boolean algebra, the system of deductive logic comes first
The first reference is implicit: “A Boolean algebra (BA) is a set A together with …” With that definition, it would be impossible for the article to state any theorems about Boolean algebras because there are many different and conflicting conceptions of sets. So the article is actually presupposing the one most popular kind of set theory, and the usual deductive logic of quantifiers and connectives.
There is a contrast between that logic and what is described in the article as “elementary logic.” What is elementary logic in the article seems to simply involve three connectives: binary “and”, binary “or”, and the one-place connective “not.” The article refers to “the ordinary truth tables” for those connectives.
Now, surely if we are working within a logic of quantifiers and connectives, then we already have a concept of truth tables, and in particular we already have a concept of truth. We recognize the truth tables, because they are basic to a fragment of the deductive logic that we rely upon.
If your analysis were correct, then the article would not have the wording “the ordinary truth tables” for those connectives. No, it would be introducing the idea of a truth table. It would say something like the following: “Now, building on a basis that includes deductive logic of quantifiers and connectives, and that also includes standard set theory, we are ready to introduce two new concepts: truth, and truth tables.”
Notice the question: “where does a system of deductive logic come from?” You did not provide an answer. You simply assumed that we already have a system of deductive logic. Your exact words: “the system of deductive logic comes first.” Where does it come from? How does it arrive? You can talk about the origin of ideas in world history or the learning of ideas by an individual. Explain how – without a concept of truth – truth tables were invented in history, or could have been invented in a fictional, alternative history, or could be studied and understood by an individual student.