Inappropriate ads

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Yes something should be done about those ads. If an ad blocker is used to block them, CAF blocks us.
I regard it as quite hypocritical too as I was recently suspended and the reason in the note sent to me was sexually explicit / obscene posts. Mods are not responding when I request the specific post / words that were classified as sexually explicit or obscene.

Its a bit hypocritical to be suspending members with no specific example that was supposedly posted, but to allow obscene ads in order for CAF to make revenue.
CAF has great Mods. Only the best Mods!
Its a bit hypocritical to be suspending members with no specific example that was supposedly posted, but to allow obscene ads in order for CAF to make revenue.
Lot’s of things don’t make sense here. Personally, I believe it has less to do with Moderation and more to do with Management.

There are definitely unwritten rules and procedures followed here…
CAF has great Mods. Only the best Mods!
Actually, outside of one bad summer in 2018, they’re pretty decent. I suspect their hands are tied on certain issues and they’re only permitted to do so much.
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Actually, outside of one bad summer in 2018, they’re pretty decent. I suspect their hands are tied on certain issues and they’re only permitted to do so much.
Well, I was only kinda, sorta kidding. Talk about a thankless job. Still, they seem to apply the “rules” in an arbitrary, inconsistent manner and have no interest in being questioned.

So…and I really hate to do this, but it has to be done… I hereby put all the CAF Mods on notice that, at 5:00 pm PST on December 31, 2020, every last one of you are permanently banned. No questions or feedback of any kind will be tolerated. You’re done!!!
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Which ads you see are based on your cookie crumbs from your shopping/browsing history. Drop seat pajamas ads do not mean that you have porn crumbs in your digital footprint, these things are sold at Target and Amazon and many other clothing sites.

I get ads for shoes, because I am always looking for shoes that fit! Light fixtures right now, because I was researching bathroom fixtures for a work project. World Vision ads do bother me, because many folks would think an ad on this forum means that is a Catholic ministry, when it not. I always get the Catholic Singles ads, no idea why except that I became a widow a year ago.
I don’t see many ads on CAF. Are atheists exempted from this sort of thing? But recently on the Washington Post site I have been plagued with ads for beekeeping equipment.
We only show the sexy ads to Catholics. Its one of the benefits. Go get baptized and see for yourself! 😉
What have you been looking up online?
I see dog supplement ads. Mainly cause I looked up some stuff about dogs a few days ago.

Maybe go on an e-commerce site and browse random stuff you like for 20 minutes. Then watch your Adds change.
Because I’m male and in my 40s I keep getting questionable “dating” sites from Google. No matter how many times I say not interested, repetitive etc they kept appearing. However now after a year of ignoring them Google has finally started to give me different ads.
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I can remember some years ago when me and several other married women who I knew on Facebook, even though we were married, posted frequently about our husbands, and had our status in our profiles set to “Married”, still kept getting ads for a dating website called “Christian Singles”. It became a joke after a while. One of the women was not even practicing any religion and the ad would still show up. Finally after a couple years the ads went away.
The experiences of my then 20-something female friends suggest your demo (not you) is prevalent in such sites. 🤷‍♂️

Btw, I’m getting coffee maker ads. 😁
I’m now getting ads for Degrees/Masters, DIY, Gadgets (and coffee). Such a breath of fresh air.
Makes me think of the scene in the original “Total Recall” where Arnold S.'s charachter is walking down a corridor and the advertisements lining that corridor change as he walks past, addressing him personally, etc. We are there.
I get a lot of footwear ads. If all those manufacturers are paying money, even if it’s only a fraction of a cent, to have their ads show up on my screen, they’re being conned. Lockdown being what it is, it’s been two years since I last needed to buy a pair of shoes, and they’re still almost as good as new.
Not sure what you think I think, or who is “actually a guy.”

But yes, someone actually got suspended for reposting an ad to say how distasteful it was.
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