Ok, question for you Indulgence Man!!
This thread has helped me, so I’ll join in with the others who have thanked you for your time spent on this effort.
I’ve also read Cardinal Gibbons chapter on indulgences, and found it extremely helpful. But in none of my reading have I found an answer to this question. Maybe it’s because it’s not there, and I’m reading something into Indulgences that isn’t there. Here it is:
Are the criminal and or physical punishments of sin to be considered remitted in obtaining Indulgences? Like, I’d seriously think that they arent’, but though the question sounds silly, I am asking it with a seeking heart and I really would like to know the answer
For example : Say a person (a Catholic) falls into horrible sin through temptation, and has sex with a minor, and gets an STD from that person. Ok, they’ve got this disease, and also they are rightfully charged with statutory rape (I think that’s the right kind). If they are truly repentant and sorry, will they be cured of the disease and innocent of the rape charge, at least in God’s eyes and the Church’s eyes? Indeed, those two things are temporal consequences of that sin.
I would think that the releasing of sin’s consequences aren’t extended to those areas, but that’s a question I’ve got.
This thread has helped me, so I’ll join in with the others who have thanked you for your time spent on this effort.
I’ve also read Cardinal Gibbons chapter on indulgences, and found it extremely helpful. But in none of my reading have I found an answer to this question. Maybe it’s because it’s not there, and I’m reading something into Indulgences that isn’t there. Here it is:
Are the criminal and or physical punishments of sin to be considered remitted in obtaining Indulgences? Like, I’d seriously think that they arent’, but though the question sounds silly, I am asking it with a seeking heart and I really would like to know the answer
For example : Say a person (a Catholic) falls into horrible sin through temptation, and has sex with a minor, and gets an STD from that person. Ok, they’ve got this disease, and also they are rightfully charged with statutory rape (I think that’s the right kind). If they are truly repentant and sorry, will they be cured of the disease and innocent of the rape charge, at least in God’s eyes and the Church’s eyes? Indeed, those two things are temporal consequences of that sin.
I would think that the releasing of sin’s consequences aren’t extended to those areas, but that’s a question I’ve got.