I understand what you are saying but all I am saying is your logic doesn’t add up.I am just saying when a candidate says the affirmative to baptismal questions, it is by the power of the Spirit, by the Holy Ghost we call him Lord says the scripture. Yet many claim by doctrine that they receive this power, even the Spirit, after baptism. But I have never heard a participant say, “wait till after I come up out of the waters to answer in the affirmative.”
So I believe one has the Spirit, even been born by him, before the waters.
You are seeing a problem with people CLAIMING they receive the Spirit after Baptism. You base this on your believe that they wouldn’t be able to say affirmative without the Spirit.
How is this any different than someone CLAIMING they have the Spirit by saying affirmative before Baptism?
That was my question how does someone saying affirmative prove they have the Spirit. The only way it would be proof would be if it was not possible to say affirmative (to lie) unless one was already born again.
How is this another matter? This is the matter of the question I am asking. What is your evidence that the person is sincere or not. At the end of that day what is the evidence that the person, who has a conversion experience, is actually being sincere or if they are just emotional.If you are inferring that one can be insincere when calling Jesus as their Lord, and by the power of their flesh, unregenerate in spirit, ? Of corse but that is another matter. The scripture I cited insinuates only by the Spirit can one do it sincerely.
God Bless