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*When it comes to husbands and wives we hold them to alot higher standard than just about anyone else in our lives. This is a person with weakness and faults just like the rest of us. *
That’s the way it is supposed to be. Why else make the promises, to not just each other, but to God too?
You’re missing my point maybe I didn’t word it properly. We are harder on our spouses than others that we care about. Why? Sometimes we can’t see the human being behind the person that is *my
husband or my wife. I think because of the “me” part. "My husband can’t do this to me." "It’ll be a cold day in hell before I’d let my wife get away with doing that to me." *In extra marital affairs there is rarely the intention to hurt the spouse, ofcourse that is obvious consequence.
People make mistakes, make stupid decisions, let themselve fall into situations that cause too much temptation, they sin. I’m not making light of this. During the time my husband revealed his feelings for the women from AA*,* he also revealed an affair he had years earlier at the beginning of our marriage while serving in the military. I know the pain because I have been there. I was hurt, I was angry, it was unbearably painful. But I love my husband so deeply and his life was coming apart at the seams. I chose to stay and fight because I knew the person underneath this mess was a good person, with a good heart who just was royally screwing up his life. And I wasn’t letting him off the hook that easily.
Your right I supressed alot of stuff. I went into survival mode. And after the dust settled about a year later I had anger and resentment that took a long time to work through. But by that time my husband was sober, out of the situation and our marriage was on much more stable ground. At some point I just had to let it go.
The reason why I stress this so much is because I have a better marriage now than we ever had in the past. I couldn’t have imagined the relationship we have today back during those dark hours. I would have missed so much joy and our daughter would have missed the stable family life she has today.
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Forgiveness is great and does great things for the forgiver, but in the end, this gentleman is under no Catholic obligation to stay married.
No Catholic obligation?
Catechism of the Catholic Church
**Divorce **
**2382 **The Lord Jesus insisted on the original intention of the Creator who willed that marriage be indissoluble.173 He abrogates the accommodations that had slipped into the old Law.174
Between the baptized, **"a ratified and consummated marriage cannot be dissolved by any human power or for any reason other than death."175 ****2383 **The *separation *of spouses while maintaining the marriage bond can be legitimate in certain cases provided for by canon law.176