Appreciate the (name removed by moderator)ut, Chain Breaker.
My personal opinion, as with several others in my field, is the whole notion of there being a multiverse or infinite universe is that it’s not even a testable theory. In fact, it’s not even a theory at all. Rather, it is a prediction made out of inflationary theory. Basically, inflationary theory was put forth so as to solve “problems” that implied fine tuning in the Big Bang theory, including the “flatness” and “horizon” problems. They, for us who are open to theistic interpretations, aren’t problems. It’s honestly just a sign of God’s handiwork and only a problem if you want them to be. Thus, the whole concept itself replaced the fine tuning of the Big Bang that made it look like “a put up job” with even greater fine tuning of a hypothetical inflationary field. As long as it didn’t scream of divine guidance, theorists were okay with it. They basically arbitrarily made gravity a repellent force in the first 10^-43 seconds of our universe with no particular reasoning other than solving the “problems” mentioned above.
The whole notion is really non-problematic tot Catholics, as even if a multiverse existed a transcendent cause is still needed (BVG Theorem, Space-Time Geometry Proofs, etc). An absolute beginning is, at its core, unavoidable. Fr. Spitzer does a spectacular job explaining this below. A point of creation for all of physical reality is necessary, and implies a transcendent cause. His entire video series is really remarkable.
Basically, if classical inflation is likely wrong, and the “postmodern” inflation is out of the realm of normal science, a multiverse of any extent is totally speculatory and unfounded.
My personal opinion, as with several others in my field, is the whole notion of there being a multiverse or infinite universe is that it’s not even a testable theory. In fact, it’s not even a theory at all. Rather, it is a prediction made out of inflationary theory. Basically, inflationary theory was put forth so as to solve “problems” that implied fine tuning in the Big Bang theory, including the “flatness” and “horizon” problems. They, for us who are open to theistic interpretations, aren’t problems. It’s honestly just a sign of God’s handiwork and only a problem if you want them to be. Thus, the whole concept itself replaced the fine tuning of the Big Bang that made it look like “a put up job” with even greater fine tuning of a hypothetical inflationary field. As long as it didn’t scream of divine guidance, theorists were okay with it. They basically arbitrarily made gravity a repellent force in the first 10^-43 seconds of our universe with no particular reasoning other than solving the “problems” mentioned above.
The whole notion is really non-problematic tot Catholics, as even if a multiverse existed a transcendent cause is still needed (BVG Theorem, Space-Time Geometry Proofs, etc). An absolute beginning is, at its core, unavoidable. Fr. Spitzer does a spectacular job explaining this below. A point of creation for all of physical reality is necessary, and implies a transcendent cause. His entire video series is really remarkable.

Basically, if classical inflation is likely wrong, and the “postmodern” inflation is out of the realm of normal science, a multiverse of any extent is totally speculatory and unfounded.