The biggest thing with the infinite universes theory is not so much that it’s implausible, bit that it says nothing about where these universes came from. If this theory is an attempt to disprove God, it simply kicks the can down the street.Some cosmologists think there are an infinite number of universes. Does this conflict with the existence of God and Christianity?
I have two names of cosmologist from the book, "Is God Unnecessary? Why Stephen Hawking is Wrong according to the Laws of Physics,"who disagree with infinity universes, Alan Guth and Paul Davies. Are there any others?
I personally don’t like this theory. First, there is no evidence for it, second the purpose of it is to prove we aren’t unique, and debunk the watchmaker argument for Gods existence. Basically saying there are an infinite number of universes , most turned out horribly wrong but we happen to be in the one chance in an infinite amount that made it.
I find that much more ridiculous than even a Flying Spaghetti Monster, let alone an intelligent transcendent creator.