This subject has interested me for many years. I believe that at the heart of modern paganism and our present moral malaise is the worship of Nogod.
Let’s hear your favorite quotes or original thoughts on the subject.
Hear are two of my favorites followed by one of my own.
“There are practical atheists who believe that they believe in God (and who perhaps believe in Him in their brains) but who in reality deny his existence by each one of their deeds.” Jacques Maritain
"“What we all dread most,” said the priest, in a low voice, “is a maze with no center. That is why atheism is only a nightmare.”
G.K. Chesterton
Unlike the atheist, who sees in the idea of God a monstrous tyrant of evil oppressing our freedom, the theist can see in God only the most tolerant and absolute Liberal. God permits us to love or reject Him, to do good or evil, to choose heaven or hell (with the caveat, of course, that actions have consequences).
Let’s hear your favorite quotes or original thoughts on the subject.
Hear are two of my favorites followed by one of my own.
“There are practical atheists who believe that they believe in God (and who perhaps believe in Him in their brains) but who in reality deny his existence by each one of their deeds.” Jacques Maritain
"“What we all dread most,” said the priest, in a low voice, “is a maze with no center. That is why atheism is only a nightmare.”
G.K. Chesterton
Unlike the atheist, who sees in the idea of God a monstrous tyrant of evil oppressing our freedom, the theist can see in God only the most tolerant and absolute Liberal. God permits us to love or reject Him, to do good or evil, to choose heaven or hell (with the caveat, of course, that actions have consequences).