I’m going to be completely honest here… If I was your sister, I’d never let my kids sleep at your house again. The thought of someone making love in the next room from where my precious cargo is sleeping makes me sick to my stomach.
My DH and I certainly DO have relations with the kids at home but they are OUR kids. If neices or nephews were over, I wouldn’t do that. I really don’t think I could get in the mood with a different child in the house anyway. It just seems perverted. I’m not trying to offend you. I’m just expressing that that is how
I feel.
With all the pedophiles and predators in this world, sexual abuse is something that comes to my mind often. I can’t remember what percentage it is but isn’t it a fairly high percentage of kids that are abused by family members? I’m sure your husband isn’t that type of guy, but your sister can’t be completely 100% sure about that. Don’t you think that’s why your sister got freaked out?
Again - I’m not trying to attack you, I’m just trying to point out another perspective. I know you said you didn’t have kids yet (and here’s to hoping you conceive soon!) but how would you feel if it was YOUR kids sleeping at the sisters house while they are having sex?
I know I’m overprotective.
PS - lock the door next time. And don’t say anything to your sister.