The Church is turning this into another CRUSADE which will accomplish nothing, or worse, set the cause back.
This is true and I thank you for your thoughtful post. I’ll share a little story about my ring around the posie over this issue.
I have alway’s supported abortion and contraception(and still do). That alone will make people hate me, and for those people, I cannot change so that you will like me and I don’t agree with your religion or philosophy so we’ll never meet eye to eye.
HOWEVER, I alway’s supported the concept of abortion up to the 3 month mark( for my own reasons, that aren’t important with regards to my point). Then I moved to the the US and entered into the most divisive debate that seems to exist politically that makes or breaks a presidency. Abortion.
I am Pro-choice. Of course, I was pro-choice up to 3 months but still pro-choice. Not good enough say’s the pro-choice crowd. Either you AGREE to choice or you do not.
Why? say’s the pro-life crowd, if you agree life is precious you will agree we cannot make a choice about human life regardless of stages of fetal development.
To the pro-choice, CHOICE exists till labour(and not even then for some). If you believe in choice, if you are “part” of the crew, then you will support everything we say AND IF YOU DON"T, you are a fundamentalist christian who doesn’t give a **** about female rights.
This debate on rational, ethics and choice, all the big ticket items raged, and because I sided with choice I eventually had to concede that a woman that was 9 months pregnant should be allowed to abort. This…was her choice.(See any kind of ideological fanaticism happening here?)
THEN, there was a news story about a man that murdered his wife, and chopped her up into pieces. She was 8 months pregnant.(Scott Petterson trial) The court was deciding if they could charge him for double homicide. They did.
I was INCENSED. The was a consipiracy of the highest level. This is an attempt to give a FETUS the same rights as the mother and that is not on. This was an attempt to stop a womans right to choose, how dare those chauvenistic manipulative bastards?
I wrote a very angry post on a forum about how disgusted I was about the entire decision and how it was an absolute rejection of a basic human right to choose what happens to our own body.
And then someone said.
Are you not horrified that this happened at all?
Oh dear. For the sake of my desire for human choice, I gave in to what I now see as an extreme. I was so worried about my belief in choice, that I had lost my humanity. I didn’t give two hoots about a woman that was chopped up into pieces and a baby that was pretty much ready to face the world.
My point.!!!
IF YOU PUSH THIS ISSUE, you will drive people to extremes. It is too important. It is about LIFE itself, and the POINT of life. Choice. You cannot treat this like any other issue. You judge, they will ignore you. You condem, they will laugh at you.
Be careful, what you wish for in this debate. You will never force your views on this, with humans, no matter how well you debate it. You want people to choose? They will probably not choose you unless you give everything you have with the utmost love to the person making the decision. You have to love them, before you can love the child inside them.
I still agree with abortion, but I’m a lot more wary now of my own views on it.
Nothing will define you as a human, more than how you debate this issue, imo. Not what you believe, but how you address it’s reality. It’s the biggest of all big ticket items. Choice vs Life.