Well…as a rule laws protect humans as individuals rather than collectively so I still don’t follow this argument. Just because you might in some sense have begun billions of years ago shouldn’t give anyone the moral or legal right to terminate you. In any case, we believe that taking a life at any stage is intrinsically evil so we don’t need to come up with a point in time when it’s not alright.
You believing something is fine. You claiming that life begins at conception is wrong. It doesn’t begin at that point, as the egg and sperm are alive.
You believing that taking a life at any stage as evil, well…you kill animals all the time for meat and probably do not bat an eyelid so does that make you evil?
But you are not taking a HUMAN life are you? so that’s okay. Human life to you is a unique strand of DNA caused, by the act of conception and defines that as the beginning of life, which it is not, since it began millions of years ago. So we are at square one.
When life began does not give us rights to terminate it. The right to terminate a life, has to be justified by some means other than “when” life began.
You are looking for an absolute that in this case doesn’t exist. You are looking for a rule of thumb. When it comes to life itself there is none. It began, billions of years ago.
It is not a justification for, or against anything. It’s just our reality.
So we actually have 2 concepts.
- Life begins at conception - Not true, it began billions of years ago.
- When life began, cannot be used as an argument for the preservation of life(this came from you)
We can actually go from there within this debate but not until this is actually agreed to.
And for religious folks, it probably won’t ever be agreed to. Use it as a thinking exercise I guess.