That doesn’t agree with my observations.
I see pro-lifers as more interested in themselves than in protecting a developing human fetus. So it’s a phony opposition if you ask me. They appear to be just like the mother who aborts, placing their own welfare ahead of that of the fetus. How are they not just as “guilty?” They’re saying one thing but doing something else. They’re turning a blind hand and a blind eye.
I mean if you believe this really is murder on such a grand scale, where’s the outrage? Where’s the mass protest? Where’s the civil disobedience? Where’s the anything?
Well, I for one do really believe abortion is murder. So do countless others. Your “observations” do not affect that one way or the other.
As for protests, Christians (especially we Catholics) have been known for that for quite a long time now, so I don’t see how you could fail to notice that. If you haven’t noticed, many people
are outraged about abortion. Or perhaps you think it should be more extreme? But then I’d be confused by your request…when people blow up abortion clinics, you’d rightfully say they’re extremists…when people don’t, you say we don’t have enough “outrage” to prove we really think abortion’s murder. Will pro-choicers make up their minds?
And since abortion is a matter of
allowing a grave evil that should never be allowed rather than a matter
forcing reluctant people to
commit that grave evil, what sort of civil disobedience do you propose is
possible for us? If it were a matter of us being forced to do something we found unjust, we could civilly disobey by
not doing it…but with abortion, what form of civil disobedience
is there, short of chaining women down who plan to get abortions?!
The only other option is to leave the country and go somewhere where abortion is already illegal, which is perfectly acceptable and moral…but then we will change nothing
in the country, so that defeats the very purpose of what those who want abortion to be illegal in America hope to achieve.
There really aren’t many other moral options available to us. Due to the fact that we
are consistent in trying to live by
all our morals, we are more between a rock and and a hard place than you seem able to appreciate.
You would do well to consider all such matters before assuming that Pro-Life people don’t
really believe what we say we do.