The chart shows usernames from Catholic.com. What would happen to the animals in South America if the climate became just like Canada ?The chart showed members of the same species.
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The chart shows usernames from Catholic.com. What would happen to the animals in South America if the climate became just like Canada ?The chart showed members of the same species.
If it happens slowly, do you suppose a fish like the piranha that lives in the Amazon would evolve into a cold water species such as the walleye fish that live in Canada ?Depends on how quickly it happened and what their existing physiology would allow.
I suppose that you are aware that everyone who responds is making it up according to their beliefs.What would happen to the animals in South America if the climate became just like Canada ?
My answer, to my own question, would be that the South American animals couldn’t cope with the cold. Even if it took billions of years for it to slowly get cold, they would not mutate into cold resistant creatures.In summary, stuff happens until it doesn’t.
As I said, you won’t get a straight answer. And unfortunately, you have to put up with what people who question evolutionary theory typically have - the belittling responses I’ve been reading here.
What seems to happen is that the genome, as it interacts with other cellular processes as part of the entire organism, expresses certain parts of its code int keeping with its environment. It hereby allows for changes in the phenotype of the offspring that follow where there is a gradual change. There are also built in mechanisms that allow for change, such as the response to the arteries of the hand to cold and what occurs when we acclimatize to living in mountain areas, that are relatively quick and within a single generations. One has to consider also that the capacity that we, and to a limited extent higher functioning creatures have, to learn how to get around changes in our environment. None of this has to do with macroevolution. We’re never going to have a South American mantled howler monkey build a thatched hut and light a fire to keep its family warm, praying for a return of the warmth.South American animals couldn’t cope with the cold. Even if it took billions of years for it to slowly get cold, they would not mutate into cold resistant creatures.
Right, dogs shed a little bit in the summer to cope with a hot environment, but that is about as far as adaptations go in the real world.There are also built in mechanisms that allow for change, such as the response to the arteries of the hand to cold and what occurs when we acclimatize to living in mountain areas, that are relatively quick and within a single generations.
God created a hierarchy of animals that fit in a precise niche, in a perfect food chain ecosystem. Just like the spark plugs, pistons and gears all work together, so does the ecosystem, this was clearly designed for man to be able to live on this Earth.Are the evo’s ready to concede?
You assert the answer. Even if you can prove evolution dead wrong that doesn’t make intelligent design correct. You still have to demonstrate the validity of your theory.( we know the answer here at CAF )
Just be glad they didn’t all go extinct are you would be dead.So what’s with all the extinct animals in the ground? God’s rough drafts?
Hah, for a long time posters argued evo is the best explanation until something replaces it. ID is a much better explanation and is amassing more strength with every discovery.You still have to demonstrate the validity of your theory.
Well since I don’t believe that Caucasians are more evolved than black people the only plausible explanation is this…In your view of things, how did white people come about? (Or, if you believe the original humans were Caucasian, any other phenotypically distinct group of humans?)