She’s incredibly hairy.
I utterly delight in telling my younger (like 4 to 7 or 8) extended family members that those wind-powered turbines are actually propellers that push the earth into rotating toward day and night and the cloud movement is proof of it. Their eyes go wide and my siblings will advise them that uncle Vonsalza is full of… you know.Techno has difficulty with scientific concepts. He thinks that wind is caused by trees waving their branches around.
Eh? Where did you find that, then?so back in the day it was assumed just a few things were needed were needed for life to evolve on a planet. Now that number has risen to 250+
I wasn’t referring to any specific article, myself; only showing how to find some useful information even from an article written by someone already previously supportive of the conclusion.What observations are you basing the evolution is the answer on?
I was making a point to Techno. I believe he understands the point I made.? Of course, they would be biased. Evolution sites are biased too. So are news organizations. A site that promotes something is biased.
So this is where evolution jumps into action and automatically started sprouting life-saving cold protecting fur out of the flesh of the animal, just in time for the killer cold weather.Or did it conveniently get slowly cold so that random mutations could keep up ?They might not have recognized what it’s useful for before now, but when it gets cold they are at an advantage,
I just don’t get the mechanics of how all this would work. There is a animal that just happens to have a cold protecting fur mutation living among other animals that don’t, how is it surviving with all this cold protecting fur in the hot summer time ?The fur doesn’t start sprouting when the cold weather comes. The fur was already there, more of it in some individuals than others. If, because of the shift to colder temperatures, having more/thicker fur aids survival, then that trait will be preferentially passed on, and if the colder climate persists, future generations will have thicker fur on average than their ancestors from