First of all, life does exist, and is more than the activity of material substances, although they are the necessary bricks and mortar that go into the making of the home that is the individual creature.what’s your explanation for the diversity of life on Earth?
A living organism is ontologically itself in relation to the world. In addition to its having material structure, it is organized on the basis of a “psychology”. Both these dimansions express the soul of the organism. In plants, we see it in the way they grow and reproduce. Comparing the simplest of animals to the most complex, for example amoebas to elephants, we see a tremendous elaboration of how living things perceive, feel and act within their environment.
The organization of matter into the various forms we observe today around us and in the fossil record, is centred around the soul of individual creatures, an organizing principle one with their material being. Each kind of animal had a beginning in time, with the creation of its soul bringing together matter into a new form - one psychological-physical being.
I don’t want to get weird going into how sin, rooted in the eternal relationship of creation to God, may have impacted on all time and space, so let’s just say that all creatures originated from a state of perfection, narrowing our focus to humanity’s physical make up.
We began as Adam. As part of the grace bestowed upon him was a genome free of the troubling genes that have been the source of many disorders. These have occured with the passage of time and the accumulation of random genetic changes. In the temporal sequence of events, hominids which are a kind of ape, had accumulated a series of genetic abnormalities and could not therefore have led to the creation of mankind. I would also remark that ensoulment does not happen to a pre-existing creature, but is the oneness that brings matter together into a particular being. Both physically and metaphysically, hominids did not evolve into human beings.
I guess I can’t help but get weird. Here goes. God creates from eternity, an eternal Now that is at the centre of each moment and encompasses them all. We committed the original sin, at our creation, which is our (name removed by moderator)ut through our free will in defining who we are. This happened at the same “now” from which all creation springs, everything in time and space, and altered the course of everything of this world. The corruption that affected our passage through time, affected the passage of all creatures, having also been created perfect, in their time. As the crown of creation, determining our own lives, at the beginning of time, we determined the course of all life.
Something like that anyway.
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