hmm science can only be data and info not proves. science alone is not able to consider the existens of something spiritual at all.This is not what the major proponents of ID say. They say that ID is science.
hmm science can only be data and info not proves. science alone is not able to consider the existens of something spiritual at all.This is not what the major proponents of ID say. They say that ID is science.
Spiritmeadow and Richard Powers:
Reading between the lines perhaps, but your position seems to be that “If it can’t be proven by Science (as in predictable, and verified by experiments) then it can’t be true.”
Frankly, I don’t care if science can prove if it’s true or not. I’m looking for Truth, and Science is not the only way to get there.
**You have sadly misunderstood me at least. ID is not science. It cannot be proven. That does not mean it is not accurate. It means it is not science. It does not belong in a science class. It belongs in a religious or theology class. I personally believe in a form of ID that is compatible with evolution. I do not expect to prove to anyone that this is the case, because it cannot be proven. **
Questions like - “Does God Exist?” Or “Is there design built into the laws and nature of the universe which biases it towards the development of human beings?” can be answered in a logical fashion, without experimentation, without measurements, without equipment.
**Yes you can answer these questions of course, they have absolutely nothing to do with science and are not within its perview. You are seriously misunderstanding these posts. Perhaps you need to read more carefully. **
I recommend (again) these books -
The Science Before Science - this goes into much detail about how scientists deceive themselves and isolate themselves from truth. And how they reach absurd conclusions like “things don’t exist unless someone is actually looking at them.” And how the existence of the immortal soul can be proven & lots of other interesting things - for people with an open mind.
A Meaningful World - this shows how science has been hijacked by materialist reductionism, and the (again) absurd conclusions which science (particularly Darwin and Freud) promotes and others accept.
Well now you’ve gone off again into lala land. You cannot pull science into a theological discussion. So in reality you aren’t arguing for ID or even trying to claim that ID is science. you are really saying that science must bring God into its work. That is purely nonsense, IMO.
So…how many books like this HAVE you read? Or do you only read the Amazon reviews to be sure you agree with it before you read it?
**I’m not sure what the ad hominem argument was added for. An otherwise civil debate is ruined by such sillyness. **
Its too bad you didn’t see the show. Behe claims that irreductable complexity is what is wrong with evolutionary theory. He made this claim upon largely the work of another scientist who has spent his entire career studying some small celled creature. The creature has a mechanism called a little motor. Now Behe claims that the little motor contains several dozen parts, and the motor requires them all to be a motor…Behe says that all these pieces couldnt have mutatated at one time to just happen to then produce this motor.Of course it is. It is evidence for a complexity that was not formed in increments. Complexity itself is evidence for ID. Not proof, but evidence.
With all respect, citing Nova and a judge is hardly conclusive. I didn’t see Nova, but that judge’s remarks were so condescending. If you only look at the statements made by the judge and what the Discovery Institute proposes, one can reasonably see the judge was just advancing political nonsense.
I won’t continune in this thread if it is just going to be political talk. That is minor league stuff. But I would humbly withdraw if that is what the people want.
Spritmeadow said:
You have sadly misunderstood me at least. ID is not science. It cannot be proven. That does not mean it is not accurate. It means it is not science. It does not belong in a science class. It belongs in a religious or theology class. I personally believe in a form of ID that is compatible with evolution. I do not expect to prove to anyone that this is the case, because it cannot be proven.
My response:
Please accept my apologies. I got you mixed up with somebody else. A senior moment unfortunately.
No problem
I never proposed putting ID in the science curriculum. In fact, I said that what made sense to me was that the science curriculum should include the flaws which exist in the theory of evolution. Of which there are many.
**I have no doubt there are. I would say evolution should be shown in the exact same manner than quantum physics or geology is. If its the norm to point out the failings of these disciplines so be it. If on the other hand, other discplines focus in teaching the basics on what has been proven, ignoring what has not…then so be that as well. The point I assume is clear…Its a science like any other. **
I’d like to further add again that ID uses the same scientific evidence that e.g. evolution uses. It’s not a matter of evidence, it’s a matter of interpretation. Since nobody has shown me an experiment where you start life somewhere, go off for a few million years and then come back to see if your predictions came true…then I contend that evolution is not provable either. That doesn’t make it wrong, but it makes it “just like ID”.
I have no idea what you mean when you say ID uses the same evidence that evolution uses. Since ID is a religious explanation and not a scientific theory, I can hardly believe it uses the same evidence. What experiments does ID propose? what tests has it run? what verifiable proofs has it established in any discipline? You may interpret of course from many positions, however, that doesn’t mean that ID deserves a place alongside evolutionary theory within the same discipline.Evolution and abiogenesis are not the same thing. Evolution makes no attempt to deal with how life started. You must of course learn the scientific definition on what a theory is and what constitutes “proveability”. It is in no way “just like ID”… Evolutionary models are predictive and can be tested. The DNA genome project did the most to prove conclusively that Darwin’s basic premise was correct.
Spritimeadow said:
Well now you’ve gone off again into lala land. You cannot pull science into a theological discussion. So in reality you aren’t arguing for ID or even trying to claim that ID is science. you are really saying that science must bring God into its work. That is purely nonsense, IMO.
My response: You are correct that I was not trying to claim that ID is “science”. Actually, I was trying to pull theology into a scientific discussion and not vice versa But I’ll assume that you are against that too. The process of integrating all understanding and knowledge is called philosophy, which is the attempt to understand all things - scientific and otherwise. It accepts a broader approach than the science axiom of “if I can’t measure it, then it doesn’t exist.”
I’m not saying that science MUST bring God into it’s work. I’m saying that it’s foolish (as in Wisdom 13) to spend your life investigating the art and science of our Creator, and refuse to actually see the Creator. Hey, this is a religious forum. Can’t I say that?
**Oh gosh, I see God in all of creation. Every single tiny bit. Someone I think quoted CS Lewis as saying…“expecting to “see” God’s design in his creation is a bit like expecting to see the archtect in a wall of the house he designed.” I believe I can, but I sure can’t prove it…Ultimately, I think Lewis may have said this too, or Chesterton,…science and theology must harmonize. I’m sure they will, but I don’t mistake what I believe from what I “know”. **
Science is not my God. How about you?
**Nope, seems a bit cold for my taste. **
]I have no idea what you mean when you say ID uses the same evidence that evolution uses. Since ID is a religious explanation and not a scientific theory, I can hardly believe it uses the same evidence.
Your statement of positive fact “ID is a religious explanation” is like the lawyer who asks “Do you still beat your wife?” It presumes something that is not true.
“ID” is simply taking accepted scientific facts (NOT replacing them) and analyzing them with the intent of discerning whether or not they imply that a purposeful design was involved (as opposed to randomness). This is called “information theory” and is an established scientific discipline.
This article:
which I referenced before is an example of this. The article starts with an analogy of the letters in a Shakespearian sonnet to the “letters” of the DNA code in our bodies. Probabilities are used to show that a Shakespearian sonnet could not be produced “by randomness” and neither could our DNA - at least not in the 18 billion years which both “science” and “ID” both accept as hard fact (evidence).
This is just plain math analysis. How do you do an “experiment” with that? But it shows that “sonnets” and DNA are not random, but needed some sort of intelligence behind them to create them.
Whereas I can accept this “design”, atheists cannot, because it points directly to something that might possibly be “God.” They have a lot to lose if “the design immanent in nature” is accepted by the mainstream.
That is not information theory. Information theory is an established scientific discipline, but ID proponents have contributed anything to the disciple to show that there is intelligence in the design of the world. William Dembski is the “leading” ID proponent attempting to make a case for ID through information theory and he has yet to publish a peer reviewed article on ID. There are currently no (zero, zilch, not a single one) peer-review published articles in the field of information theory that support ID.“ID” is simply taking accepted scientific facts (NOT replacing them) and analyzing them with the intent of discerning whether or not they imply that a purposeful design was involved (as opposed to randomness). This is called “information theory” and is an established scientific discipline.
TalkOrigins has some information on Dembski and information theory:
It is not just atheists that do not accept this argument. Ken Miller is a Catholic and he rejects intelligent design arguments such as this. Yo should read his book.Whereas I can accept this “design”, atheists cannot, because it points directly to something that might possibly be “God.” They have a lot to lose if “the design immanent in nature” is accepted by the mainstream.
With all respect, with that kind of comment, you obviously didn’t follow the trial. Forget NOVA. Read the transcripts. The judge was condescending because he was presented with perjurous testimony, bad science and even worse testimony on the side of the defense. He could have been much, much harder than he was. By the way, Judge Jones is a political appointee of a conservative president following the nomination by a very conservative senator. He himself is obviously a very conservative person. What political point would you suggest he was pushing?With all respect, citing Nova and a judge is hardly conclusive. I didn’t see Nova, but that judge’s remarks were so condescending. If you only look at the statements made by the judge and what the Discovery Institute proposes, one can reasonably see the judge was just advancing political nonsense.
Federal judges are nominated and appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. Senators do not nominate judges.By the way, Judge Jones is a political appointee of a conservative president following the nomination by a very conservative senator.
which I referenced before is an example of this. The article starts with an analogy of the letters in a Shakespearian sonnet to the “letters” of the DNA code in our bodies. Probabilities are used to show that a Shakespearian sonnet could not be produced “by randomness” and neither could our DNA - at least not in the 18 billion years which both “science” and “ID” both accept as hard fact (evidence).]I have no idea what you mean when you say ID uses the same evidence that evolution uses. Since ID is a religious explanation and not a scientific theory, I can hardly believe it uses the same evidence.
Your statement of positive fact “ID is a religious explanation” is like the lawyer who asks “Do you still beat your wife?” It presumes something that is not true.
“ID” is simply taking accepted scientific facts (NOT replacing them) and analyzing them with the intent of discerning whether or not they imply that a purposeful design was involved (as opposed to randomness). This is called “information theory” and is an established scientific discipline.
This article:
This is just plain math analysis. How do you do an “experiment” with that? But it shows that “sonnets” and DNA are not random, but needed some sort of intelligence behind them to create them.
Whereas I can accept this “design”, atheists cannot, because it points directly to something that might possibly be “God.” They have a lot to lose if “the design immanent in nature” is accepted by the mainstream.
LOL…What Powers said…I’m not the science expert here at all. But I do know this much…If your argument held any water, it would have been used. It has not been, so I can pretty safely assume that it was long ago debunked. Talk Origins has an extensive response to every creationist/ID “science” claim. All the national and international science acadamies agree. ID is not science plainly.
Really? Behe spent so much time doing interviews favoring ID and then he equated it to astrology? Links please…How about Behe’s own words where he admits that astrology (not astronomy) is science under the definition of science he uses to define ID as science? Do think astrology is science?
Talk Origins has the transcript:Really? Behe spent so much time doing interviews favoring ID and then he equated it to astrology? Links please…
Q But you are clear, under your definition, the definition that sweeps in intelligent design, astrology is also a scientific theory, correct?
talkorigins.org/faqs/dover/day11pm.htmlA [Behe answering] Yes, that’s correct.
Behe did not equate ID with astrology. He said that astrology could be labelled as a theory by a strict definition, as could ID, but he clearly said astrology was an “incorrect theory.” He did not say the same about ID. Why not at least teach it as a crutch to evolutionary theory.Talk Origins has the transcript:
Why not teach astology as a crutch to evolutionary theory? Just because Behe discards it a an “incorrect theory”? Astrology has exactly the same amount of scientific evidence supporting it as ID does regardless of Behe’s biased view of it.Behe did not equate ID with astrology. He said that astrology could be labelled as a theory by a strict definition, as could ID, but he clearly said astrology was an “incorrect theory.” He did not say the same about ID. Why not at least teach it as a crutch to evolutionary theory.
No, the goal of the trial was to stop a school board that was intent on teaching creationism as science. Did you read the trial transcripts? They made it very clear that is what they were doing.The goal of the whole trial was to prevent teaching anything that has empirical evidence that might lead someone to believe in God, even if the “God” part were left out of the class.
In resepct of philosophy, evidence against, can serve as evidence for, by ruling out all other possibilities. Science, deals with nature, not supernature; so unfortunately; indirect “philosophical”, logic driven, evidence is as good as your going to get when dealing with “impressions” of supernatural intelligence. Personally I don’t really like the design argument because it really isn’t scientific; and because it has been misrepresented, it has lost its respectability (blame Behe). However it might serve as a good philosophical argument in collaboration with other logical deductive or inductive arguments.I specifically requested evidence for intelligent design not evidence against one the abiogenesis hypotheses.
Numerous posters here have given you exactly what you asked for…evidence.Looking around it seems that many people here support intelligent design. I have question for the supporters. Can you present the one strongest piece of scientific evidence that intelligent design is correct. Not evidence that mechanisms of common descent or particular abiogenesis hypotheses are wrong, but actual directly observable scientific evidence for intelligent design. What is the strongest evidence?
What’s the name of that other planet that has trees and grass and bushes and flowers and birds and a perfect atmosphere and water and abundant life etc etc etc. You know! that other planet, not earth but, the other planet or planets. It must be in that other galaxy, you know… the one where the perfect planet is at an ideal distance from the sun and has a moon which is just the right size so that when it comes in line with the sun it covers it perfectly (not too large or not too small) to make an eclipse.Looking around it seems that many people here support intelligent design. I have question for the supporters. Can you present the one strongest piece of scientific evidence that intelligent design is correct. Not evidence that mechanisms of common descent or particular abiogenesis hypotheses are wrong, but actual directly observable scientific evidence for intelligent design. What is the strongest evidence?
I perused the transcript and am familiar with the judge’s comments. So what if we’re both right and both sides were politically charged? One of them was declared a “winner.” I would say that doesn’t really amount to justice.Did you read the trial transcripts? They made it very clear that is what they were doing.