No attempt has ever been made to describe a** feasible**
Genesis is an allegorical account of Creation with remarkable insight into the nature of reality.
You can’t have your cake and eat it, Tony. The whole thread is post after post by those supporting those who say - look, God’s hand in the most minute detail! How could it happen without being designed! Including your posts.
A false dilemma! The limitations of natural laws do not totally exclude divine intervention.
Yet when it pointed out that this hands on approach, this design of life includes disease and death, terror and pain, you throw your hands up and claim that, well, not everything has been designed.
Another false dilemma! Within the framework of Design there is an element of Chance. It is simplistic to think they are mutually exclusive.
So I guess God said that we’re going to have a large portion of the planet’s life form who are specifically designed to eat other living creatures (and remember it wasn’t always thus) and either wasn’t aware of the consequences or didn’t really spend a lot of time worrying about it.
The interdependence of life is a fundamental necessity. The onus is on you to explain how it could be otherwise. If you reject it on moral grounds you should stop eating forthwith, considering fruit and vegetables are also living organisms - and justify your decision on rational grounds. If you’re not prepared to do so you are being inconsistent. You could say “I’m forced to eat although I don’t want to and I know it’s wrong” but I’m sure most people would look at you and laugh!
The unanswered question is whether you could design a superior world or cite an authority who has already done so. Otherwise your objection is worthless. Do you value being alive - or not? If you do you imply that the advantages of life outweigh its disadvantages. It is remotely possible, Brad, that you could be eaten one day by a predator or cannibal but does that thought spoil your enjoyment of life? You could regard it as a privilege that you’re tasty enough to be one of the select few.