Let me try…the overall rate of SSA in the general population is 2.2+/- 0.4%…the rate of SSA in those raised by homosexual couples is 33%. Why!!!
Back in the mid-70’s, I worked as lay director at the Newman Center at a to-be-unnamed urban university.Those in campus ministry throughout the diocese were invited to a get-together by a group that met for Sunday worship at the Newman Center of another university.
Long story short, the ‘group’ was made up of sexually active homosexuals who tried to convince the rest of us that they were no different than anyone else. Even back then, the sexual abuse of children was a hot topic. They claimed that 10% [obsolete Masters & Johnson statistics] of the general population had SSA, but only 5% were ‘open’ about it…This 5% was responsible for ‘only’ 30% of child molestation.
I asked if it would be reasonable to assume that the ‘closeted’ SSA people would be responsible for another 30%…“Yes, that’s reasonable.”
One member of the ‘group’ mentioned that he was approached by a 12-year-old male who thought he had SSA…rather than tell him to wait a few years, he suggested joining a Boy Scout troop, and doing a little ‘exploring’…
So, we see that 2.2% of the population is responsible for 60% of child molestation, the rate of SSA among those raised by homosexual couples is 15 times the expected rate, and active homosexuals encourage experimentation among juveniles.
Draw your own conclusions.