I think a good case can be made that those with SSA are hypersexual. I think this is definitely true of males who live a homosexual life. That being so I absolutely think they could tend to abuse more.
There are those who would make the case that men in general are hypersexual. I don’t think that is necessarily true when compared to women who do not think they can get pregnant. Humans have a sex drive and some humans have either a degree of self-mastery, an internal set of sexual ethics or both that prove to be no match for the combination of their sex drives and a hyper-sexual advertising industry.
I fear that in many parts of the world the problem is not that people are “hypersexualized,” although the bombardment with messages stressing how necessary it is to be “sexy” certainly exacerbates the inappropriate directions a normal human sex drive can take.
I fear that a major problem with the priesthood is held in common with a major problem with marriage: that is, that there is not the same societal pressures to learn self-control nor the same societal norms that remove near occasions of sin as there could be. When moral prudence is matched against individual liberty, individual liberty
always wins. Society is instead bombarding everyone with false messages about their sexuality and how strongly they ought to be working to develop a positive self-concept based on sexual attractiveness. This pressure also increasingly makes commitment to the religious life seem like an impossible challenge and an unrealistic way of life.
We need to come to a greater acceptance of what we are up against by living in the society we live in. Many people in the early Church, confronted with just such a society, fled to the desert. We have used the desert to set up an oasis of self-indulgence, gambling and prostitution.
I did not make up the idea our of thin air that Las Vegas has a big sector that was founded to be without either soul or conscience; this comes to me from residents of the town. I am not singling Las Vegas out, either. I am saying that Las Vegas is a symptom of the difference between today’s world and past times when there were more places to flee from the World, the Flesh and the Devil. If those three things are not renounced, where can, as Pius XI worded it, " the flowers of the sanctuary" come to “grow and bloom”?
I’m saying homosexuality is not the problem. The way our society as a whole thinks about homosexuality and deals with the challenges of homosexuality and homosexual persons is a symptom. The pendulum has swung from one bad extreme to the other, which is to say from vilification and shunning to all the way to celebration of genital expressions of a sexual disorder. That is one example of all the problems facing the Church when it comes to the task of encouraging and supporting holy vocations to the priesthood, religious life and marriage, not to mention holy lives among those who remain single and have no household to hold them accountable for their private sex lives.