Interesting article from a gay man about the abuse

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I see what you are saying. However…

I think you are using probably a clinically acceptably perspective, to forgive a term used by the mainstream, who have no understanding of these clinically correct (assuming they are correct) perspectives.

In other words you are forgiving the use of the term because you have knowledge most others do not have to forgive the use of the term.

I suspect people use the term as an insult towards those who simply do not agree with the total acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle.

Light example - As a Patriots fan I could use the term PartiotPhobia towards those who do not like the Partiots. If I used that term I’d be using to suggest people who were not Patrtiot fans were afraid of the Patriots.

I sure wouldn’t use it because of something Freud taught.

No need to respond - I realize this is a tangent. Just happens to be a bit of a thorn in my side whenever I hear it. Maybe its Homophobia-phobia. 🙂
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My take on this is that presumably those priests involved in abuse of boys and young men, have deep seated SSA. Therefore it follows to me that they either down -played or out right lied about this to get ordained, as otherwise they would have not been admitted to the priesthood.
I think you may be right as it applies to some seminaries. But I have also read of other seminaries where homosexual staff and students practically had full control, even driving some non-gay seminarians to leave.
am really shocked by that if true
My impression is that it was more true in earlier decades than now. At least I hope that most seminaries have been reformed. My own diocese is very selective about which seminaries it uses.
I’ve read numerous articles which refer to a “lavender mafia” at some seminaries, but I wouldn’t be able to cite them now. There was a book about the matter titled “Goodbye Good Men,” by Michael Rose, which is still available.

But again I would add that I think that the reform of the seminaries has been ongoing, and I think this is less of a problem now.
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I’d like to suggest that, as has been suggested before, the main reason why seminaries, and the priesthood, tend to be heavily homosexual is because by the time they are old enough to be seminarians, most men are not open to a call because they want to marry. But I think that with the increased acceptance for homosexual marriage in society, it has become more than that. I suggest it might have gone something like the following.

We’ve all heard of priests who have had seriously disordered relationships with women or girls. I’m not talking about consenual affairs. I mean cases where a priest raped women or girls, and/or committed other acts of violence against them. Evidently, some seminarians were “damaged goods”. I don’t know of any study on this, so I can’t prove it, but I suspect a number of seminarians, although heterosexual, would not have considered the seminary except they were unable to have a successful relationship with a woman due to serious misogyny, severe sexual immaturity, or some other cause. With better mental health treatment for young people, the numbers of these cases declined.

With time, more men married at an earlier age, and so homosexuals were more likely to consider the priesthood. Some of these men, in addition, had disorders which prevented them from having a relationship with another man. As homosexual marriage is becoming more accepted, a similar thing is happening as happened with heterosexual men. More “damaged” men are considering the priesthood, and because vocation directors are not psychologists and because the Church absolutely must have priests, they slip through and are ordained.

This is not meant to be disrespectful to priests. Most are faithful to the point of heroism. I’m only saying that if priests were allowed to marry, we’d have many other problems but there would be fewer priests and bishops who are there at least partly because they were too messed up to marry.
In the US, the John Jay report shows that 80% of the victims were post-pubescent males.

That means the vast majority of cases did not involve pedophilia.

And that the vast majority were homosexual in nature (whether due to the innate or situational idea of the homosexual nature of the act).
I know that lots of people want to show that the overwhelming majority of the victims were no longer little children as if there is some big difference between an abuser being attracted to a 7 year old and an 11 year old. But I still don’t see how anyone could consider someone who is attracted to 11 year old children to have a normal adult sexuality and that includes heterosexuals. Any man who is attracted to 11 year old girls does not have a normal adult heterosexual sexuality.
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I think we should get rid of pornography and sex shops. I’d say it is an article of faith, from the first chapter of Romans, that acting out on impure sexual desires causes depravity. I’d say that makes sense just upon reflection. What you feed will grow.
Considering that red states are bigger consumers of pornography than blue states, you’d probably have a lot of unhappy conservatives if they did that:
Americans may paint themselves in increasingly bright shades of red and blue, but new research finds one thing that varies little across the nation: the liking for online pornography.

A new nationwide study (pdf) of anonymised credit-card receipts from a major online adult entertainment provider finds little variation in consumption between states.

“When it comes to adult entertainment, it seems people are more the same than different,” says Benjamin Edelman at Harvard Business School.

However, there are some trends to be seen in the data. Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds.

“Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by,” Edelman says.
I know that lots of people want to show that the overwhelming majority of the victims were no longer little children as if there is some big difference between an abuser being attracted to a 7 year old and an 11 year old. But I still don’t see how anyone could consider someone who is attracted to 11 year old children to have a normal adult sexuality and that includes heterosexuals. Any man who is attracted to 11 year old girls does not have a normal adult heterosexual sexuality.
There is, however, a big difference between a 7 year old and a 14-17 year old. And that is the age group of males that has been most preyed upon.
There is, however, a big difference between a 7 year old and a 14-17 year old. And that is the age group of males that has been most preyed upon.
According to the John Jay Report, 60% of the victims were 13 and under and 40% were 14-17.

You can also find what percent of the victims were each age from 1 to 17 in the original report (p. 70) and add them up yourself if you don’t trust Wikipedia:
It has been a thing for a long, long time to turn the issue of same sex attraction and pedophilia into the same thing. I still remember when I realized I had SSA, and not all the prayers, or wishing in the world would stop the attraction. I remember telling my mother, and having her come out and ask me if she had to worry about me messing around with my then 5 year old niece. I was mortified, as mortified as anyone living a celibate lifestyle but living with temptations would be that someone would even think that of me. Its simply turning someone with same sex attraction into a scapegoat by teaching people that its a gateway to pedophlia. Both are evil acts, but its not the same thing by any stretch of the imagination. Too many catholics, like my mother, do not get this.
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