Iraq a Just War?

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Exactly. Saddam Hussein was not a terrorist. His regime had absolutely nothing to do with terrorism. It, instead, was a model of democratic virtue, and not the one-man-show despotism that they would like us to believe it was.


– Mark L. Chance.
If Bush started the war to remove a despot then he should say that. He claimed that the war was about terrorism. It clearly was not. He started the war to end a regime and to build democracy in Iraq.

Is that the criteria for us to start wars? I don’t think that that criteria satisfies the Catholic Catechism’s assessment of Just War.
If Bush started the war to remove a despot then he should say that. He claimed that the war was about terrorism. It clearly was not. He started the war to end a regime and to build democracy in Iraq.

Is that the criteria for us to start wars? I don’t think that that criteria satisfies the Catholic Catechism’s assessment of Just War.
He was just using satire. He said the opposite of what was true (not terrorist, democratic virtue) and followed it up with the wacky :whacky: face.

It’s okay, I fell for satire on another thread. LOL
just a thought for all those who have that loonytoons idea that sadam’s regime had no connection with terrorists. if his regime didnt, then there would be no insurgency and no threats to the new governemnt or the election soon to happen. if you are against the iraq war you ARE pro sadam hussein and should be ashamed of your self! complicated theories on why to go to war, and excuses dont excuse you. and Im glad people like you hold power.
just a thought for all those who have that loonytoons idea that sadam’s regime had no connection with terrorists. if his regime didnt, then there would be no insurgency and no threats to the new governemnt or the election soon to happen. if you are against the iraq war you ARE pro sadam hussein and should be ashamed of your self! complicated theories on why to go to war, and excuses dont excuse you. and Im glad people like you hold power.
It was not the center of terrorism before the war.

It IS the center of terrorism now! We failed miserably. We set up a situation in which terrorism is thriving.

if you are against the iraq war you ARE pro sadam hussein

This is an ad hominam attack on those who disagree with you! How old are you?
Mr shemp! to answer the question Im 37. I do agree we could of prosececuted the war and occupation better. but if we use your same logic in wwII we dont go to war with germany. yes there is terrorism in iraq, because we took out a proterrorism regime. if they werent a proterroism regime we took out there would be very little or no terrorist insurgnncy to deal with. Im very glad to see sadam huesein gone , as everyone should be. keep these things in mind this war has less casualties than vietnamor anyother comparible war, our media gives only the bad news, because being leftist theyhave an agenda also,so you are not seeing the good news.there was no such thing as good news in iraq when sadam was in power. if sadam is still in power, we have him funding terrorists( what the bush administration says is good enough for me)and a threat to the whole persian gulf region. and yes I do want the oil protected, I cant walk to where I work, I need gas to fill my car. so while maybe not prosecuted in the best fashion, it was moral to got to war with Iraq, and condoning sadam huesein would be immoral!
It was not the center of terrorism before the war.

It IS the center of terrorism now! We failed miserably. We set up a situation in which terrorism is thriving.

if you are against the iraq war you ARE pro sadam hussein

This is an ad hominam attack on those who disagree with you! How old are you?
I am so sad. I was in the Army Intelligence Agency and I volunteered for the first gulf war. Had it not been for my age 41, being just a little bit on the fat side and my wife’s admonition I would be in this one.

How can anyone say with a straight face that Iraq was not a center for terrorism? Terrorist training camps were in a number of places in Iraq. We have mountains (thousands) of documents from Sadam’s official government buildings that we captured that show his support for terrorists. Then we have Sadam’s own appearance on TV pledging money to the murder bombers in Israel. We do have a paper trail to prove Sadam paid his pledge.

May The God of Abraham be with each of you.
If Bush started the war to remove a despot then he should say that. He claimed that the war was about terrorism. It clearly was not. He started the war to end a regime and to build democracy in Iraq.
I don’t think you have a clue what the Bush administration said about the reasons for the war (as is evident, for example, by the fact you contradict yourself in the quoted section above). But, to recap them here one more time just for you, the rationales for Operation Iraqi Freedom were as follows:
  1. Ending the regime of Saddam Hussein.
  2. To identify, isolate and eliminate, Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction.
  3. To search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from the country.
  4. To collect intelligence related to terrorist networks.
  5. To collect such intelligence as is related to the global network of illicit weapons of mass destruction.
  6. To end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian support to the displaced and to many needed citizens.
  7. To secure Iraq’s oil fields and resources, which belong to the Iraqi people.
  8. To help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to a representative self-government.
It IS the center of terrorism now! We failed miserably. We set up a situation in which terrorism is thriving.
Terrorism was already thriving in Iraq. Hussein ran terrorist training camps, including one just outside Baghdad that taught (drumroll, please) how to hi-jack airplanes using box cutters, the exact technique used by the 9/11 terrorists. What the U.S. and her allies have done is driven these terrorists above ground so that they can be more easily captured or killed.

– Mark L. Chance.
Anyone who opposes the war on this forum apparently lacks an understanding of the just war doctrine. Interesting that Americans on this board understand Catholic theology better than the Holy Father.

(By the way, I am not making a political statement…I’d rather not say either way whether or not I support the War in Iraq, but I thought I’d point this out).

God bless.
In Christ and Mary,
What the U.S. and her allies have done is driven these terrorists above ground
They are also coming out of the woodwork!

The U.S. has created a climate that is breeding new terrorists, above and below ground.

What is the difference between an above ground terrorist and a below ground terrorist?

All of these insurgents in Iraq were not terrorists prior to the Iraq war! They are now.

Admit it we have failed. Whether you supported the war or not, we have failed. Whether it was just or unjust, we have failed.

As far as Bush’s objectives? Lets take a look:

*1. Ending the regime of Saddam Hussein. * OK we succeeded here.

2. To identify, isolate and eliminate, Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. Oops we were wrong on this one. Pretty easy objective to achieve since there were none!

3. To search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from the country. Obviously we are failing miserably on this one.

4. To collect intelligence related to terrorist networks. We may be able to collect information now that these networks are establishing themselves in this caos.

5. To collect such intelligence as is related to the global network of illicit weapons of mass destruction. Sure

6. To end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian support to the displaced and to many needed citizens. There is caos.

7. To secure Iraq’s oil fields and resources, which belong to the Iraqi people. There is caos.

8. To help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to a representative self-government. We shall see. We will be there a long long time if we are to see this happen. In the mean time the longer we stay the more the terrorism will grow!
SHEMP said:
8. To help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to a representative self-government. We shall see. We will be there a long long time if we are to see this happen. In the mean time the longer we stay the more the terrorism will grow!

So, are you saying that if we weren’t there, the terrorist hacking off heads and blowing themselves up wouldn’t be terrorists?

I seriously doubt if they left their accounting firms to become jihadists. The were terrorists before the war, and they’d be plotting against us elsewhere if not in Iraq.

I respect your opposition to the war, but to say we have made the terrorist problem worse, especially by removing a tyrant who funded terroristm, is just not tenable.

Anyone who opposes the war on this forum apparently lacks an understanding of the just war doctrine. Interesting that Americans on this board understand Catholic theology better than the Holy Father.

(By the way, I am not making a political statement…I’d rather not say either way whether or not I support the War in Iraq, but I thought I’d point this out).

God bless.
In Christ and Mary,
I want to say I believe our Holy Father, the Pope, is a forthright individual who says what he means and means what he says. As I search for the Holy Father’s condemnation of our action in the Gulf War I can not find one. I can find in the emanations and the penumbra illusions to the Pope not approving of the war. Our Pope says what he means and means what he says, if he said the war is unjust, where did he say, when did he say it and what did he say?

Is it the Pope’s place to say what is a just and what is an unjust war?

Does the Pope have the information to make the decision on behalf of the United States?
*authorized authority: no question there. *For the US the rightful authority is the president and congress as granted to them by the people in the Constitution of the United States.
I disagree. The Constitution specifically gives Congress the sole right to declare war. Even though Congress did support the Iraq war by funding it, never did it make a declaration of war. In my opinion, Congress abdicated its responsibility by neither delcaring war nor refusing to fund it. Such a move played well into the hands of Congressional politicians who could truthfully say they were both for and against the war.

Though you might consider it a meager technicality, this alone made the war illicit, if not unjust.
Ecce Homo:
Though you might consider it a meager technicality, this alone made the war illicit, if not unjust.
Why is it that people who want to object against Operation Iraqi Freedom almost consistently fail to be honest. Your “meager technicality” is false. Congress did authorize the use of force against Iraq. A formal declaration of war was unnecessary because we never stopped being at war with Iraq from the time of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

– Mark L. Chance.
A formal declaration of war was unnecessary because we never stopped being at war with Iraq from the time of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
Very true. It is also worth noting (again) that the declaration of war on terrorism after 9/11 gave the president the authority to go after terrorist and those who harbor and fund them. Saddam funded them, by his own televised admission, and his promises to continue to do so. We made it very clear after 9/11 that we would draw no distinction between those who commit terror and those who fund terror, and Saddam responded by increasing his terrorist payout to families by $15,000.

I understand where someone could be against the war, but I cannot understand why someone could believe Saddam wasn’t a terrorist threat.

In any case, Bush had two “open wars” that he could have attacked Saddam under (Gulf War and War on Terror), yet he went to Congress for their support. Most who blame him still voted “yes”.

Good post. 👍
Why is it that people who want to object against Operation Iraqi Freedom almost consistently fail to be honest. Your “meager technicality” is false. Congress did authorize the use of force against Iraq. A formal declaration of war was unnecessary because we never stopped being at war with Iraq from the time of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

– Mark L. Chance.
I do not deny that Congress authorized the use of force in Iraq. But I do hold that no formal declaration of war against that country was made. Compare the “Be it resolved” section of the resolution you linked with that of the World War II declaration of war.

The Iraqi resolution does not declare war on the nation of Iraq or on that regime. It merely allows the President to take military action. I presume it does not acually *require *that the President take millitary action. Regardless, it does not state that the United States is at war with Iraq. The WWII declaration of war, on the other hand, states in no uncertain terms that the United States is at war with Germany:
Whereas the Government of Germany has formally declared war against the government and the people of the United States of America: Therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the state of war between the United States and the Government of Germany which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally declared; and the President is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the government to carry on war against the Government of Germany; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States
You claim that the Gulf War never ended and that a new declaration of war is unnecessary. I can accept this if Congress formally declared war against Iraq back in the early 90s and never ended the war. I would be interested in a link to the Gulf War war declaration if you could provide one. Thanks and God bless.
I understand where someone could be against the war, but I cannot understand why someone could believe Saddam wasn’t a terrorist threat.
He obviously (maybe in retrospect) did not pose as great a threat to the U.S. as other threats. The terror threat in Iraq today is obviously greater than it was when Hussain was in power. This war has increased the hatred against the U.S. If I was a terrorist I think that this war would be great for recruiting. I fear that these “pockets” of resistence will continue to sprout up above and below ground.

I am being a Monday morning QB. I did support the war at the time of the invasion. As far as the War on Terror goes, I feel I must admit that the Iraqi front has been a failure and a miscalculation!
He obviously (maybe in retrospect) did not pose as great a threat to the U.S. as other threats. The terror threat in Iraq today is obviously greater than it was when Hussain was in power. This war has increased the hatred against the U.S. If I was a terrorist I think that this war would be great for recruiting. I fear that these “pockets” of resistence will continue to sprout up above and below ground.

I am being a Monday morning QB. I did support the war at the time of the invasion. As far as the War on Terror goes, I feel I must admit that the Iraqi front has been a failure and a miscalculation!
I appreciate and respect your response. There is nothing wrong with changing your mind–that shows you think for yourself and can see both sides. In retrospect, Bush may not have want to war with Iraq, but that is part of the difficulty of being a leader–he can’t go back and change his mind later. He had to act based on what was known then. His “opponents” in congress can say he shouldn’t have and blame him, but they can’t go back and erase their “yes” vote either.

I don’t know how many of the terrorsts are new recruits. Those who are recruiting them would be recruiting anyway and must be fought. I doubt most of them would be living peaceful lives in Iraq or other countries if we weren’t there, and I doubt many of them left their jobs and families to be suicide bombers.

I just pray a free Iraq will emerge and flourish, and be a light in the dark for the Middle East.
I just pray a free Iraq will emerge and flourish, and be a light in the dark for the Middle East.
With prayer anything is possible. In this case it will take a miracle!
Ecce Homo:
I do not deny that Congress authorized the use of force in Iraq.
Then you have no grounds for your complaints the President waged an illicit war.

– Mark L. Chance.
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