Is a person still a Catholic if they don't agree with everything that the Catholic Church teaches?

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Maybe I wasn’t cut out to be catholic.
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I feel I may have misinterpreted your posts. If I did I apologize.
Clearly I can’t. Hence my dillema’s:)
I see. My advice is that if you believe you are fallible person but Church is infallible, you may have opinion that it seems very illogical to you to ban contraception in poor countries. However with humility realize that your opinion is fallible and opinion of Church is not. Perfect knowledge isn’t always how we accept things.

For example I am not expert on Chemistry but my friend is. I asked whether H2O is or is not considered acid and even though to me it seemed logical it would be, I trust that she knows her stuff better and I don’t see connections or logic in her opinion because I just don’t have enough knowledge in Chemistry to even make those connections in the first place. And mind you, I do not consider her infallible.

It isn’t wrong to be curious or to try to see it in-depth but one must come at it with humility, understanding there is more we do not know than what we do know. We learn gradually. And life is too short to be expert on everything. Unfortunately we sometimes have to accept that understanding in-depth isnt vital to acceptance of dogmas, facts etc…
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The things that make me uncomfortable are mostly how the strict prescription of teachings can make some Catholics become insensitive to people’s real life situations and seem cold. For example, if the Catholic Church doesn’t believe in condoms for western countries then ok, but just say in places such as sub-Saharan Africa if the Catholic organisations have tried to encourage men to be abstinent and chaste, but they still choose to go to prostitutes, sleep around a lot etc - I think what is ultimately worse, condom use or letting wives catch aids and the spreading of Aids pandemics?
I don’t mean as a permanent solution and for everyone to stay as they are, but only temporarily while people are educated and their “consciousness are raised” about non sleeping around.
I think this is a false dichotomy. To understand the Church’s teaching in this area you have to understand the world view that the Church is suggesting. Something that is bad for a man in one time and place is also bad in any other. The view of sexuality comes from the view of humans as body and soul creatures and the idea that our sexuality has a spiritual dimension. That has very much been rejected by the world in favour of a view that says that man can’t resist certain urges so we have to act as animals.
It’s not a matter of a strict prescription of teachings, it’s a matter of the Church saying “this is how God wants us to live”. Now you can believe that or not but for arguments sake lets say that that is true. If God wants us to live in a certain way then it must be possible for us. Sure, it’s hard, we might fall, but it’s definitely possible. So should the Church be true to God’s teachings or just say “it’s ok, God’s standards are not realistic anyway.”
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