Is abortion a litmus test for someone to be a catholic?

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no ignorance on my part
you said that unlike other faiths opposition to abortion was a dogmatic part of the Catholic faith
the part that was incorrect was not the fact that the Catholic Church has a dogmatic opposition to abortion, but that other denominations in fact also do oppose abortion (the point I made in my earlier post)
so no ignorance on my part at all
hmm, that’s another trait of extremists, labelling anyone who disagrees with their narrow interpretation the enemy
Please demonstrate how ANY other Christian denomination requires its members to be unconditionally anti-abortion on pain of excommunication. I’d be interested to see that documentation – though, based on your other posts, I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for you actually to back up something you’ve said with any evidence.

With regard to your red herring about “narrow interpretations”: the Catholic faith is what it is. When you try to apply your own contradictory views (i.e., the ambiguity of abortion) while claiming to be a faithful member, you are doing the enemy’s work, whether you intend it or not.


EDIT: Please understand that I don’t mean the above statement to be construed as condemning you or judging your heart – I merely mean to point out the subversive nature of espousing such beliefs.
I think many Catholics forget that the issue here is the respect for LIFE. Abortion is a huge part of it but not all of it. IMHO if you don’t respect ALL human life then it is easier to say you are pro-choice.

As for me and my family we respect ALL HUMAN LIFE from conception to natural death.
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