Is abortion ever, ever okay?

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A relative of mine says that abortion is acceptable if a woman is raped or the child will have crippling deformities. An abortion clinic in my state is allowing abortions up to (I’m not quite sure) 24 weeks. Opinions?
A relative of mine says that abortion is acceptable if a woman is raped or the child will have crippling deformities. An abortion clinic in my state is allowing abortions up to (I’m not quite sure) 24 weeks. Opinions?
It’s never ok. Especially on the weak. That is contrary to Christ.
A relative of mine says that abortion is acceptable if a woman is raped or the child will have crippling deformities. An abortion clinic in my state is allowing abortions up to (I’m not quite sure) 24 weeks. Opinions?
Deliberate abortion is NEVER acceptable EVER.
My relative is very adament on their stance. How can I make them see otherwise?
Abortion gravely violates God’s Commandment, “Thou shall not kill”. It is never morally right to have an abortion or help someone procure one. It is a mortal sin.

If someone is raped, that is tragic. The baby does have a right to life, however.

Disabled people have a right to life, also.

Everyone by Divine Law has a right to life.

This is not an opinion. This is God’s Law.

Check the Catechism of The Catholic Church for more information.
My relative is very adament on their stance. How can I make them see otherwise?
I don’t know. But if you find out tell us. I’m currious as to why this is a topic of conversation with the relative?

Heck most Catholics are not pro life.
My relative is very adament on their stance. How can I make them see otherwise?
This is a very hard topic to discuss because people’s opinions are very entrenched.

I used to be adamantly pro-choice until I became pregnant and gave birth to my first child. In my case, it was because I learned the science. But I don’t think I would have been open to learning it until I was expecting my own child. In fact, I know I actively avoided opportunities to learn. But there is no denying that at the moment of conception, a unique human being is formed. While it lives inside its mother and is dependent on her, it is a distinct individual, with its own genetic code. The circumstances of its conception, or possible health problems it might encounter, do not warrant killing an innocent human being.
My relative is very adament on their stance. How can I make them see otherwise?
I would ask “Why is it seen as ‘okay’ to put an innocent child to death for the crime of his/her father?” and “How would you like it if somebody else thought your life wasn’t worth living and decided they would end it?” Not only that, but there are many circumstances, where doctors have said there are chances the child will be born with X, Y or Z and the child comes out totally fine.

I hope this has helped

God Bless You

Thank you for reading
My relative is very adament on their stance. How can I make them see otherwise?
We don’t kill born people for being raped, and we don’t kill born people who suffer crippling deformities.

Why on earth would we kill helpless unborn people who are in the same situation? :confused:

The only difference between born people and unborn people is that the unborn people aren’t born yet. They still have the same feelings and thoughts as everyone else, and they don’t want to get killed for things they can’t help.
We don’t kill born people for being raped, and we don’t kill born people who suffer crippling deformities.

Why on earth would we kill helpless unborn people who are in the same situation? :confused:
Exactly. The guilty party is the rapist and not even he is put to death, but somehow, putting to death the resulting innocent child who is totally helpless and at no fault is somehow ‘just’?

God Bless You

Thank you for reading
It is NEVER o.k…God wants us to do all we can to protect & heal the baby. If it is not healed, at least you tried to do all that was humanly possible.
A relative of mine says that abortion is acceptable if a woman is raped or the child will have crippling deformities. An abortion clinic in my state is allowing abortions up to (I’m not quite sure) 24 weeks. Opinions?

Think about just what abortion means. It is the destruction of a human life with a human soul. The thing growing in the womb - the zygote, embryo, or fetus - is an unborn child. A human being. This is the ONLY reason I oppose abortion - because the child in the womb is a living human being with a living humans soul. It isn’t about being mean to women (women suffer from abortions constantly such as in forced abortions and gender-selective abortions), and it isn’t about religion (if Pope Francis snapped one day and gave Papal approval for abortions I would still oppose the practice vehemently).

The arguments citing Rape and Disability are especially sickening in my opinion.

If someone claims that it is acceptable for a raped woman to abort a child resulting from rape, they are simultaneously telling every man and woman actually conceived by rape: “You should never have been born. You do not have the right to exist, you are not welcome, and the world would be better off if you never existed.” Whether or not they meant to say this, that’s the message being sent.

A rape victim who aborts a child conceived by rape is worse than her attacker. Filicide is worse than rape, and someone who suffered so much should by all account know better than to inflict suffering onto others.
A lot of people think that helping a rape victim means “being supportive” and “respecting their decisions”. But that is false: often people who suffer such trauma make decisions that should be avoided. Suicide, usage of hard drugs, self-harm, and cultism are all decisions a victim of assault might turn to. Choices anyone who holds the victim’s best interest at heart would oppose and do their best to discourage.

If I knew a rape victim who was impregnated as a result of the rape and intended to get an abortion, I would do my best to talk her out of it. If she went through with it anyway, I would at best feel pity for her (“She made a terrible irreversable mistake while her mental faculties were absent”) and at worst would condemn her (“She murdered her own child in cold blood”).
So yes, a woman who was raped should have to bring the child to term. The child is it’s own living human being; a separate entity, not a copy of the rapist. The only reasons children concieved by rape are so disliked is that society holds onto the false and destructive belief that personality is hereditary. No, that child is not a “Rapist’s Baby”: it is just a baby.

The Argument from Crippling Disability makes me angry on a personal level, and that is because it hits close to home. I have high functioning Autism; everything is more difficult for me than for others, and when I was a young child experts (incorrectly) predicted that I would never learn to read. Yet here I am, living a very good life and experiencing many good things of life (because I’m God’s Creation, a reasonable creature).
Saying that a child with down syndrome or malformed limbs would be better off dead is downright insulting and patronizing. Even someone confined to a hospital bed in bouts of agonizing pain can still experience beauty and truth. And his condition might be cured in his lifetime. Don’t tell me that my life isn’t worth living: YOU don’t have the right to decide that.

There is never a good reason for abortion. It is an act of murder, and should be treated as such.
A relative of mine says that abortion is acceptable if a woman is raped or the child will have crippling deformities. An abortion clinic in my state is allowing abortions up to (I’m not quite sure) 24 weeks. Opinions?

Moreover, your relative’s claims that a child conceived through a rape “will have crippling deformities” is nonsense. 😦
Ask her why an innocent child and woman should both pay the price fir the act of violence.Death for the child, an lifelong regret for the mother. Abortion fixes nothing. It makes every vile situation worse.
Moreover, your relative’s claims that a child conceived through a rape “will have crippling deformities” is nonsense. 😦
No, no. The OP was claiming that it was respectively rape and crippling deformities, though it is not one that causes the other.

Still, it’s not okay.
I don’t know. But if you find out tell us. I’m currious as to why this is a topic of conversation with the relative?

Heck most Catholics are not pro life.
I saw an article and showed them and told them I was very pro life and they got slightly irritated with me and said they were pro life also but…and gave me those reasons
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