I am an alcoholic in recovery, with sixteen continuous years of sobriety. It is definitely a disease. The majority of professionals in the alcohol treatment field also believe it is a disease.
One may sin greatly when one is an alcoholic; alcoholism causes terrible sin, but sin does not cause alcoholism. People do not become alcoholics merely by being sinful; if that were true most people would be alcoholics!
I quite agree; in my own experience, (as an example) alcohol is often abused as a self-medication to combat depression, by people under great stress, or suffering under-diagnosed stress from an historic personal trauma. In the military, this is quite common, as the lessons learned about combat stress and post-traumatic stress are too often forgotten in peacetime,sad to say, with the result that PTSD victims often go undiagnosed for prolonged periods of time, and can become fearful of asking for treatment, at the risk of appearing to be weak, or even “malingering”. They will often “self-medicate” by using alcohol both to suppress their symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress and their feelings of depression and fear, in the alcohol’s euphoric effects.
But the grief and guilt suffered by these types of individuals does not
defacto make them alcoholics - that is illogical, as NightRider has rightly stated. I am of the school of thought that sin itself can be regarded as a disease of the spirit and mind, with direct and reciprocal effects upon the physical body. Treatment of the disease of sin by the tried and true methods provided to the Catholic Faith through the Mystical Body of Christ, His Church, result in repair, recovery and rehabilitation for the individual patient, provided of course that the “program of treatment” is adhered to correctly and with consistancy. Alcoholism, like sin, can be treated and put into remission. I would even venture my own opinion, that with aggressive treatment, BOTH can be cured by God’s Grace.[Though of course, this my opinion; since I cannot state that I am cured of sin, but only in (alas, another temporary) remission…]
So, alcoholism can be looked upon as a sin, and Sin can be regarded as a disease…
The important thing, I tell myself, is to remember that, though both are horrible states, God loves sinners and alcoholics, and does not leave us alone in the night to face our hurt and shame and fear all alone. Even when that “nasty little voice” inside starts asking how such a beautiful good God could ever love something so frail, weak, animal and ugly…whenever despair threatens to creep in from under a rock, or out of the shadows of the past; that this Promise of treatment(Redemption) from God is true and strong. God has has never broken His promises; and His treatment plans, like His diagnoses, are sound and worth sticking out, even despite the short-term discomfort.
I had a friend, an alcoholic. She passed away some five years ago due to liver and kidney failure as a result of prolonged alcohol abuse. She had been an Army Medical Corps nurse for 27 years of her life, bless her soul. The details of her suffereing do not need to be related here, but only her last words, shortly after receiving the Last Rites: " I want to go home". I mention them, because since her passing, every day I remind myself of my first thought after her exclamation:‘Me, too.’ I have every confidence, thanks to God’s Sacrifice for me and all of us, that “me, too” can happen, despite all that I have done. And unlike some of my peers at work, I just cannot see – no, forgive me, I
WILL NOT SEE! - alcoholics as somehow morally weaker, nor cowardly, nor worse in any way than myself; God knows, ***I ***have done much worse …
Yours sincerely and respectfully,
Prester John