Is any TV show immune to the left's agenda?

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I question how the public was convinced of anything.
Something must have changed the minds of many people in the US about gay people. How else can the following be explained:

According to Gallup polls, in 1986, when asked “Do you think gay or lesbian relations between consenting adults should or should not be legal?”, 32% said that they should be legal, 57% said that they should not be legal and 11% had no opinion. This year, in May of 2019, 73% said that gay or lesbian relationship should be legal, 26% said that they should not be legal and and 2% had no opinion.

In 1996, when asked, “Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?”, 27% said that such marriages should be recognized as valid, 68% said that they should not be recognized as valid and 5% had no opinion. In May 2019, 63% said that such marriages should be recognized as valid, 36% said that they should not be recognized as valid and 1% had no opinion.

All of that looks to me like a lot of Americans have changed their minds about these issues in the last 30 years and represents a rather dramatic sea change.

I saw a photo of one person going door to door…
Despicable behaviour. A photo, you say? Those leftists will use any trick in the book!
Yes, can you imagine people going door to door to talk to their fellow Americans to try and convince them to vote a certain way in a political campaign? And what about all those things on TV during every election that try to convince Americans to vote one way or another? What is happening to our country? 😮
One of the big sea changes that happened in our society was that hundreds of thousands or even millions of gay men and lesbians started coming out to their families and friends and co-workers who realized that most gay men and lesbians don’t fit all the negative stereotypes that they had previously been exposed to in films.
I’m not so sure this is the reason.
Straight people could (and did) like and care for the gay people in their lives, while at the same time not always approving of their sexual activities.
Just like a person (of any orientation) who is committed to chastity can love and care about the people in their lives who are sexually active outside of marriage without approving of every life decision.

I really think growing approval of same sex activity is part of a larger and much older movement of pushing sexual boundaries in general.
There was a time that divorce was scandalous, even if the person never remarried.
Then you could marry several times in a row, but don’t be having sex in-between.
Then “we’re engaed, it’s okay”.
Then “we don’t need a piece of paper to tell us we’re in love.”
“It’s my body I can do what I want, you big ol’ prude”.
LGBT is merely the next frontier.

(And no, I don’t like negative stereotypes of LGBT in the older media.)
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Yes, but what are they agreeing to? They have not changed their minds, they are just agreeing to what is, to them, an abstract concept. I can drive through any neighborhood and have no idea if anyone I’m seeing are gay or straight. You see? A perception change results in no further changes.

Gay people should be left in peace. However, tell CNN to stop allowing out athletes to accuse everyone watching to ‘stop being homophobic.’
Gay people should be left in peace. However, tell CNN to stop allowing out athletes to accuse everyone watching to ‘stop being homophobic.’
Doesn’t bother me a bit. I just figure they are speaking to homophobes. I am not a homophobe. I don’t like people who are homophobes. I am fine with it. I don’t know why anyone, other than homophobes, would be bothered by it.
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Doesn’t bother me a bit. I just figure they are speaking to homophobes.
They frequently are. The problem is that their understanding of homophobic generally encompasses anyone who believes homosexual activity should be anything other than celebrated.
Why? Is everyone automatically someone? Is that in any way fair?
No, and no.

But I doubt that he said, “Everyone, stop being homophobic.”

If they have a PSA telling people, “Don’t drink and drive!”, I don’t take it personally because I don’t drink and drive. I understand that they’re just saying “don’t do it,” not, “signit, you drink and drive, stop doing it.”
That isn’t my impression. My impression is that they are speaking to people who have oppressive ideas about homosexuality. But I guess we are all able to take-away our own interpretation.
My view of general intent is born of repeatedly being called a homophobe for suggesting that homosexual acts aren’t good for a person.

Not that they’re evil, or that the person is evil, or that they’re going to Hell, just that that’s not the proper use of those body parts.

Obviously, my interpretation is colored by these experiences.
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The 80 year old lady sitting next to me when I saw that was homophobic? 5 year old Billy is homophobic? Binary schminary. How about some actual numbers that show your point is valid?
Well, if one is gay, one probably would define that view as homophobic. Homophobia is defined (from a quick look at as:

“Unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality”

Homosexuality, for most healthy homosexuals, often includes putting body parts in places the Church frowns upon under circumstances the Church frowns upon. That would be the “antipathy” part of the definition.
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The 80 year old lady sitting next to me when I saw that was homophobic? 5 year old Billy is homophobic? Binary schminary. How about some actual numbers that show your point is valid?
Ed, either you are homophobic or you aren’t. That is for you to decide for yourself. I have no idea if you are homophobic. I don’t know you. I could make a judgement, based on the history of your posts, and I may be right. I may not be.

You are the one who is upset about gay people saying things about homophobes. It doesn’t upset me in the slightest. I am not the one with the problem over it.
When CNN is hijacked by one man for one message, that means all of CNN is suspect.
However, tell CNN to stop allowing out athletes to accuse everyone watching to ‘stop being homophobic.’
Homophobic is just a code word for, “Refuses to accept a disordered idea of sexuality.” Naturally, the great, great majority of human beings find acts of sodomy repulsive. There is nothing enlightening about, nor should somebody be “proud” of, inserting their reproductive organ into an area of someone else’s digestive tract. All other unnatural sex acts are also disordered, no matter if someone is hetero or homosexual.

It’s one thing for someone to appear open minded and politically correct to say they “support” homosexuality. But if you asked them if they would consider performing actual acts of sodomy in their private sex lives, well, then most of them would suddenly be “homophobes.” Because it is unnatural, against human nature, and against God’s design of the human sexual faculty.
The definition of antipathy does a good job of describing what you state you believed with regards to homosexuality.

I am not accusing you of hating homosexuals, to be clear.
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