Something must have changed the minds of many people in the US about gay people. How else can the following be explained:I question how the public was convinced of anything.
According to Gallup polls, in 1986, when asked “Do you think gay or lesbian relations between consenting adults should or should not be legal?”, 32% said that they should be legal, 57% said that they should not be legal and 11% had no opinion. This year, in May of 2019, 73% said that gay or lesbian relationship should be legal, 26% said that they should not be legal and and 2% had no opinion.
In 1996, when asked, “Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?”, 27% said that such marriages should be recognized as valid, 68% said that they should not be recognized as valid and 5% had no opinion. In May 2019, 63% said that such marriages should be recognized as valid, 36% said that they should not be recognized as valid and 1% had no opinion.
All of that looks to me like a lot of Americans have changed their minds about these issues in the last 30 years and represents a rather dramatic sea change.
LGBTQ+ Rights
Do you think gay or lesbian relations between consenting adults should or should not be legal? As you may know, there has been considerable discussion in the news regarding the rights of homosexual men and women. In general, do you think homosexuals should or should not have equal rights in...