I would also love to attend EF but it’s too hard to get to one every week (would be an hours drive each way )
This is an anonymous place where people can express their views and concerns. This leads, hopefully, to some sort of discussion and perspective.However, I find the level of negativity about the Catholic Church and about Catholics in general on this forum to be quite high.
We all bring our own perspective . It colors our reading, interaction and communication.I’m not exactly a happy face person. I am quite cynical, practical and realistic.
It has its problems, both regionally and globally.the Church is somehow crumbling;
This is a generalisation that should be avoided. There are also plenty of Catholics who paint the oppositeCatholics paint such a miserable picture of the Church
Its been huge and very hurtful to a wide variety of people. The healing has not really started yet. The Church is still in damage control. People are in trauma and unbelief and untrust.I will grant that certain events such as the clergy abuse scandal are definite big black eyes for the Church and should be addressed going forward and should not be swept under the rug.
This is one area where people who are not banned and forever suspended , learn, through community moderation, to moderate the tone of their speech. I disagree it is due to frequency of posting. Plenty of people post frequently without drawing community moderation.I also avoid extended arguments as they generally result in warnings from the mods and I already get flagged enough, simply because when one posts a lot on the forum, one draws flags.
I have made this mistake far too many times about a parish in the USA.But we constantly get people from Country A saying “something must be done” about what some diocese is doing in Country B half a world away. I find that a bit much, especially since we’re usually not knowledgeable about the social, legal, political, cultural, etc situation in Country B
Yes. It is one thing to want to understand all sides of an issue and another to presume it is your job to look for problems, identify the one correct “solution,” and then make it your business to see to it that it gets fixed. Pray for people who really are in that position, because they carry a heavy load. (And honestly, even those who hold those positions the most wisely seem very good at choosing their battles.)I get the impression that a lot of people feel we are being lazy or not being “good Catholics” if we don’t run around trying to fix everything. I can definitely understand wanting to address problems that occur in our own parish, our own neighborhood, our own diocese. But we constantly get people from Country A saying “something must be done” about what some diocese is doing in Country B half a world away. I find that a bit much, especially since we’re usually not knowledgeable about the social, legal, political, cultural, etc situation in Country B.
Aren’t we told from Scripture to do exactly that?It is one thing to want to understand all sides of an issue and another to presume it is your job to look for problems, identify the one correct “solution,” and then make it your business to see to it that it gets fixed
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry. - 2 Timothy 4:1-5
I happen to think it is a positive that we have many laity that are willing to do battle and not be lukewarm.So, with all that in mind, I’m just wondering if anybody here is, on balance, a happy Catholic who feels positive about the Church, is getting something positive out of their faith and also doesn’t have huge criticisms of/ problems with their fellow Catholics.
I feel the same way.But even if I didn’t like my parish, I still trust that the Catholic Church has the Truth.
Sure, there are and always have been things that are messed up within the church. And I don’t see how anyone could possibly argue against the claim that “not enough people bother to practice their religion or go to Mass”.So, with all that in mind, I’m just wondering if anybody here is, on balance, a happy Catholic who feels positive about the Church…
That’s true though.Catholics paint such a miserable picture of the Church that I sometimes think it is only by the grace of the Holy Spirit that anyone would want to join it or remain a member.