Which is the position YOU seem to be insisting that he takes by claiming determinations of the Grand Canyon’s beauty are merely subjective.
Meanwhile…back at the OP someone is still asking if it’s subjective or objectively determined by God.
Anything that we might describe as beautiful is not a single entity. A painting is made up of a myriad of brush strokes and different paints. A tree is made up of many parts. The Grand Canyon is made up of rocks and dirt (and could be described as beautiful by what isn’t there as opposed to what is there). A symphony starts with one note or one chord.
None of these items came fully formed. The painting was just a rather plain canvas and tubes of paint, then maybe rough charcoal marks. A tree starts off as a rather nondescript, spindly looking twig. The Grand Canyon was originally just a muddy stream meandering through some rocks.
If beauty is objective (then apart from the hierarchy of beauty which no-one seems to want to comment on) then this ‘objective beauty’ isn’t an original, integral and fixed part of whatever it is we are describing. For God to be involved in any way, as the OP is asking, then He must be constantly adjusting the ‘degree of beauty’ constantly for everything. It is not static.
The tree becomes, very gradually, more beautiful (and then less so as it withers and dies). The painting becomes more beautiful as the artist adds more paint. The Grand Canyon becomes grander as the river eats away at the ground.
So not only is there a hierarchy of beauty that God has decided, He is constantly adjusting the degree of beauty in everything.
The Grand Canyon was a dirty river at some point. We could agree it wasn’t beautiful. Then the Colorado gradually cut through the rocks and the dirt and it became less ugly and more beautiful. The more the canyon grew, the more beautiful it became. And God was there slowly turning the Beauty Dial so that we could all correctly appreciate the correct amount of beauty at every stage – and maybe turning it back a little if there was an ugly rock fall or the flow of the river dropped.
And of course, He’s there on a daily basis, turning up the dial if it’s a beautiful blue-sky day or down if it’s cloudy and overcast.
I don’t think you guys have thought it through.