Hypothetical for you----You have a Catholic friend who is “pro-choice” (they refuse to say pro-abortion). … What would you say to them regarding the sinful nature of their state of mind? For instance, what kind of a sin is it when one is “pro-choice” in their mind, but has never taken action on their “pro-choice” stance. …
I hope you don’t mind if I bring the conversation back to the post above.
I have just such a friend in my parish. She can occationally be found at daily Mass and she’s a very loving person. She “personally” doesn’t approve of abortion and when she was a young girl she found herself unexpected pregnant and had the first of her 7 children at a very young age. She’s in her late 60’s (?), so this was quite the big deal in that era. I really like her but some of her ideas about the teachings of Christ are a bit off center.
She is “anti-abortion” but “pro-choice”. We here know that such a distinction cannot truly exist, for to be against the murder of innocent children requires that we stand up and defend these babies from the loss of their lives. We would not suggest that someone should be free to murder or free to rob banks, that laws have no place in these private decisions of individuals. Yes someone is hurt, the innocent child. In some cases, the father desires that the child be born and is deprived of the life of his offspring. In such a case, is he not also a victim?
I’ve tried a number of times to talk with her, especially before the last election. I’ve asked her to pray that the Holy Spirit open her heart to the teachings of the Church. She’s confused on several issues, and I’ve heard it said and have grown to believe it fully myself, that sin confuses us as we turn from God. Right becomes wrong and wrong looks to be right. So, she is convinced that she has, through prayer, come into a deeper understanding of the meaning Christ had than the narrow view shared by many within the Church.
I finally had to tell her that as she and I both love our private prayer with our Lord, and feel blessed to have such a deep love for Christ, it is important for her to understand that All Truth was reveal in its fullness at the end of the Apostolic Age, and the Liar is capable of imitating the divine in communicating his twisted truth. Therefore, it is extremely important that if we believe we have been blessed with coming to a deeper understanding of Our Lord, that we verify it against the teachings of the Church over the ages. If what we feel we are being asked to understand is at direct odds with the Church, we must reject it as though we were holding poison or a bomb, for this is dangerous indeed.
I told her with all the love I could muster that I was seriously concerned that she was treading in the realm of heresy and I feared for her, because I loved her very much. I then dropped the subject completely (she had already cast her absentee ballot, I was heartbroken) and have allowed her to know that I continue to care for her. I am friendly to her at church and if she brings up the subject again she will hear reitterated that I believe with every fiber of my being that she needs to consider her position if she desires eternal salvation.
Am I judging her? No, NO. I am judging her position on a very important subject. We must be willing to defend the defenseless. As the CCC says
CCC 2271
… God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected withthe utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.
We not only are called to not participate in abortions, it is our responsibility to prevent them. Our legal system exists to ensure that society cares for the rights of others. “The right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” LIFE is listed first, without it, nothing else matters, you’re not there to enjoy them.
My approach was specific to my situation, I touched on that which we held in common, I focused on heresy because she was certain she’d been enlightened beyond the teachings of the Church. For her, this was the only way I knew to wake her up to the seriousness of her error.