Is boxing immoral?

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I have no idea why it would be. Boxing is a sport, some people dont understand that.
It’s not immoral, but I think they should require headgear.
Nothing wrong with the many art of self-defense (except when women practice it).
I dont know if he’s being sarcastic or what, but it just sounds bad written out.
Let ‘em bang on each other…it beats them feedin’ us to the wild animals…
I dont know if he’s being sarcastic or what, but it just sounds bad written out.
No I am not being sarcastic, just honest. I find women prize fighters to be an offensive mockery of a brutal reality.
Why if I may ask? I dont think I know what “brutal reality” you’re talking about.
Engineering major at Madison, eh? I wonder if I know who you are. I am a grad student in electrical engineering.
The question was, “Is boxing immoral”?

Two boxers in the ring and are boxing do not display an immoral act. If boxing is immoral then all contact sports are immoral. Contact sports are NOT immoral.

Golden Gloves Boxing is safer than football. They have three classes based on experience. I boxed 3 years of Golden Gloves and the only injury was I slipped on an icy sidewalk. Ha, Ha.
The women wrestling on WWE on the other hand:whistle: Call me a prude but my husband watches that and when the women come out,I silently pray for my husband to develop temporary blindness:eek: 😉 God Bless
Boxing is not immoral but the boxing movie Million Dollar Baby is immoral.

Boxing is a refined sport its not savagery. They are played by Rules and known as the Sweet Science. They suffer less deaths and paralysis than the sport of football. Can it at times be savage?
Yes but so can most contact sports. I mean look at Hockey that is far worse with hockey sticks as weapons. With boxing you have your weaspons softended by 140z gloves. And no hitting in the body’s soft spots like kidneys and below the belt. no kicking. etc etc.
No one is forcing you to watch boxing its not for everyone but its not immoral and if ban boxing many other sports would have to go as well.
Perhaps the greatest heavyweight of all time was a devout catholic and his mother was like Saint Monica always praying the Rosary during his fights while never watching him.

He would call after his fights always saying guess what Mom I won. She would say I know. He would say how you never listen to the fights on the radio. She would say she knew because it was told to her while she was praying.
The boxer’s name is Rocky Marciano.
A favorite of many immigrant catholics during post world war 2 america.
The women wrestling on WWE on the other hand:whistle: Call me a prude but my husband watches that and when the women come out,I silently pray for my husband to develop temporary blindness:eek: 😉 God Bless
Haha, my brother and I get a kick out of pro-wrestling too. We always change the channel when the sleazy “T&A” type portions come on. I really doubt anyone actually watches wrestling for that stuff, so I don’t know why they put it on. I guarantee no one would stop watching and people like my brother and I would definitely stay tuned so there ratings would actually go up. Now, on the other hand, I’ll watch the 60 year old Ric Flair in his trunks any day.

To be the man, you gotta beat the man. WOOOOOOO!!!

As for the original question, people always say purposefully harming your body is immoral. I love watching boxing (too much of a wuss to actually do it) but I was watching the other day and it seemed like more than any other sport this might fall under purposefull harming your body. I guess, technically, the point of the sport is to not be harmed though. Just wanted to get everyone’s thoughts; good to know I’m not doing anything wrong.
With boxing you have your weaspons softended by 140z gloves.
I think this can be a bad thing as well as a good thing- the constant pounding does more damage than a messy knock down! It’s just more sanitary.
Traditionally, boxing is considered a near occasion of sin against the fifht commandment. However, our society has become more liberal. This question is covered in Ask A Franciscan:
Is Boxing a sin?

**Q: **I am a 16-year-old guy and generally a spiritual person. I read the Bible and try to follow what it teaches. But sometimes its teachings and some of my own philosophies seem contradictory.

I hold a black belt in karate and am passionate about studying the martial arts, which I often consider to be one of God’s answers to my prayers.

The principles that I learn from martial arts are ones that I use in my everyday life. I have recently become interested in boxing and like the training it involves.

Is competing in a boxing or karate competition wrong? Am I sinning by training my body and mind to defeat my opponents? By risking injury to myself?

When I look out at the world, I don’t always like what I see. That’s what motivates me to become better and better. I don’t want to harm the world or anyone in it. I would like to improve the world.

There is no sin in training for boxing as long as you use those skills only in supervised, amateur competitions or self-defense. Because of the number of brain injuries and deaths that have occurred in professional boxing, some moral theologians question the morality of boxing at that level.

Training for supervised karate competitions is also fine. The skills learned in karate and boxing can be used outside the ring in cases of genuine self-defense or defending an innocent party.

More important, your karate and boxing training are teaching you discipline. You will need that if you want to improve the world whose shortcomings are quite obvious to you. The discipline you learn from sports will help you order your life properly and can be very valuable if you engage in some community service, some effort to go beyond self-improvement as a way of improving our world.
I would also recommend taking a look at the catechism. Here’s a link you can read the catechism regarding the fifth commandment.
Ummm, boxing gloves arent padded by any means. Professional grade gloves are hard leather, and they hurt. You’re also adding more mass to your punch when you put on gloves, the bigger, the worse it gets.

Boxing gloves arent meant to be padded or lesson blows, really. They’re meant to keep your opponent alive and your hand/wrist from breaking so easily. It helps control the blood as well, and allows for easier knockouts.

READ about the origin of gloves in boxing (the Queensbry rules I think, by a noble boxer after he killed his opponent in the ring in a bare-knuckle match).
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