This is true, but from what I see, in the UK the balance is more in favour of the left than the right. We have right-wing Catholic politicians e.g. Rees-Mogg and Widdecombe, but they are a minority. The bishops have tended to support more the agenda of the Labour Party (pre-Corbyn) insofar as they support social justice, public services, international cooperation, human rights, environmentalism. That is how most Catholics have tended to vote. The Tablet is more liberal/progressive like the National Catholic Reporter. Interestingly, I have read some on CAF say the Reporter doesn’t deserve to be called Catholic! I wonder what they would make of The Tablet!there are Catholics on the left as well as on the right. The U.S. biweekly National Catholic Reporter and the British weekly The Tablet are quite closely aligned with one another
True. And the right is always strongly supported and pretty extreme. This is the thing - how extreme it is. In the UK you have Catholics who vote Tory, but that is still moderate, e.g. supports the NHS. The American conservatives one finds on CAF would never support the Tories.there is no shortage of threads which very quickly turn into a Left vs. Right shouting match.
I actually don’t know. I think most Catholics probably do sympathise with the Palestinians, but I don’t know any Catholics who go as far as the Corbyn-type position and are actually anti-Israel or anti-Semitic. I would guess most Catholics here are fairly critical of both sides, think a two-state solution is needed, but feel that currently the Palestinians are suffering more than the Israelis. I guess in the US it’s more pro-Israel.You didn’t mention the Israel-Palestine issue
Quite possibly. But it’s the American politics I find intriguing. Like I said above, to us in Europe (not just Britain), and probably in Canada too, the American right seems quite extreme. Some of the right see themselves engaged in an existential struggle for the very survival of western civilisation, a cultural battle against the forces of socialism, feminism, political correctness, the gay agenda, the trans lobby, etc. Following on from your later post, I guess I thought US Catholics were more liberal than Southern Baptists (most people are…), but I hadn’t thought of US Catholics as liberal (e.g. supporting gun control, universal healthcare, amnesty for illegal immigrants, not being too worried if someone changes their pronouns, etc.)Aside from the influence of American politics
Aha. From reading CAF I didn’t even realise that there were lefty Catholics in the US who were heavily involved in social justice. On CAF I see a lot more posts about gender pronouns and supporting Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby than I do about social justice.If you want to see lefty Catholics, read the social media of “America” magazine or go visit a local parish heavily involved in social justice ministry.