minkymurph #566
I have never heard capitalism is rooted in Catholicism - if that is what is being said.
Such an example of ignorance is all too typical on this thread where the development of free enterprise carefully documented as distinctly Catholic, like all great developments to further mankind in true faith and reason, and showing great preference for free enterprise as arising from the monks, the great Catholic Late Scholastics and culminating in the incisive recommendation of St John Paul II and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, has been ridiculed despite the clearly documented facts.
Others show their ignorance by trying to quote from the popes everything but the clearly documented support for free enterprise that they have come to realise is very Catholic and very well worth supporting.
The revered Fr James V Schall, S.J., incisively points out:
“But in fact, this re-distributionist theory was not the solution to dire problems but the cause of further poverty and, in addition, of much tyranny, however good may have been the subjective intentions of those who promoted it, including the papacy.” [Reference to Peter Bauer].
“Rather than seeking to understand how and why wealth is produced, papal thinking seemed rather to suggest that the problem was of greed and the failure of the political order. The ecclesial analysis, in other words, seemed to embrace modern theories of world order that were anything but solutions to the problems the papacy itself wanted confronted.
“In contemporary ideological analysis, the so-called misdistribution of the world’s goods seemed to be explained in terms of envy by the poor alongside the moral corruption of those economic systems that did in fact produce existing wealth in the modern world. The result of such a theory was that instead of examining the many cultural, political, economic and especially religious causes of why the poor were poor, the poor were told that they were poor because they were exploited by the rich, by those who knew how to produce wealth.
"As a result of this analysis, the poor need not learn how to produce wealth but instead they should insist, even violently, that what was rightfully ‘theirs’, on the basis of some exploitation theory, be ‘returned’ to them. Such theories not only proved statistically impossible – the world needs more wealth, not a redistribution of existing wealth – but justified decades of wasted energy and effort by the poor peoples themselves seeking a false solution to their own problems and blaming theories that did work to solve their own problems.”
Does Catholicism Still Exist, p 176-177]