Is circumcision mutilation?

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I’ve never understood the point of medical circumcision and I think it is messing with Mother Nature and should not be done.

I have also seen entire chat groups of moms taking sides and absolutely going to war over this issue though.
Of course, but does male circumcision remove the ability of the male to have an orgasm? That’s the sole purpose of FGM- remove the clitoris for no purpose other than render the female unable to have sexual pleasure and more often than not, increase pain and discomfort with it.
No, there are multiple different procedures and practices of FGM, with different effects from the one you name.
Ah, the annual Circumcision thread.🍿🥤

I don’t have a problem with the procedure. Not that I’m going to change anyone’s mind or anything…
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Then you have the horror stories about when the knife slips. The worst one being the story where the doctor decided a good solution would be to simply transform the little boy into a girl and raise him that way. It didn’t take and resulted in a bad outcome.
So if one is bad shouldn’t the other?
It’s logical.
No, there are multiple different procedures and practices of FGM, with different effects from the one you name.
Correct too. We should not label everything GFM if we want to be accurate.

It can be more or less a what is done on a boy. So have few consequences and not always considered as GMF by everyone.
However it is more difficult to perform than for a boy and by far more likely to not done correctly and have difficult consequences.

But in general it is far more invasive and have very serious consequences for childbirth and sexuality and health.
Even WHO have said there cannot be supported for any reason.
The worst one being the story where the doctor decided a good solution would be to simply transform the little boy into a girl and raise him that way. It didn’t take and resulted in a bad outcome.
It was an horrible story of experimentation.

I just hope that nobody would want to try it nowday again as it is immoral.

It also a direct counter exemple for the idea that gender is only a social construct…
So we can’t conclude that priests have a basis to tell their parishioners who want to circuncise their boys that they want something sinfull?
That does not mean that circuncision will never induce small changes in sexual intimacy. At least for some couples.
This is correct. I am unable to go into details on this forum without having the mod pull the post as it would be too graphic, but let’s just say there is a difference between “cut” and “uncut” and for some couples it can be significant.
Why are you calling it “circuncision”? It’s pronounced “circumcision”.
The NCBI (The National Center for Biotechnology Information ) states that about 2% of males can develop a condition that would require circumcision.
It also states the rate of circumcision error is 1-7%

So if everyone gets the “solution” to cover their butts they risk up to 7% being worse off anyway.

Nothing stops a child receiving it if they need it later however.

The risks outweigh the blanket benefits.
(but why should we want to be aesthetical on an area that is completely private, I don’t understand…)
Ummm maybe because a lot of women do prefer men who have been circumcised. When a husband and wife are copulating I’d think it’d be beneficial for both of them to, you know, be attracted to one another.
Ummm maybe because a lot of women do prefer men who have been circumcised. When a husband and wife are copulating I’d think it’d be beneficial for both of them to, you know, be attracted to one another.
When you love someone even flaws make them look sexy.
Indeed but if a woman still prefers it then it would be better. Not saying it would lessen the love between a man and woman if the man wasn’t circumcised if they truly loved each other but it could also make the loving a lot better if the woman preferred circumcision. Aesthetic is important and objectivly speaking for most women (according to many studies) circumcised penises are more aesthetically pleasing.
I think that’s a really weird hill to die on.

When religiously there’s no reason. Medically there is no reason. So aesthetics are an odd choice especially when the cons outweigh the pros.

Like sure, I’ve heard people say they have a preference but I can’t say I heard would be a deal breaker.
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Well the aesthetics are apart of the pros. There are many pros to circumcision. The truth is many trained professional expert doctors in the US are still all for circumcision. I’m not disregarding any cons, there are cons, but imo the pros outweigh the cons.
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