Is cthulhu satanic?

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Yes. We are not to assign names to angels, not even our guardian angels. We are free to call the names of angels that are given in the bible.

We are not to use demon names that are not in the bible. If the demon’s name is contained in the Word of God, we are free to read it or speak it out loud. Certain prayers, for example “binding prayers”, refer to demons by their sin, such as demon of lust, sloth, pride, etc.
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Because no demon except for Satan/Lucifer is mentioned in Sacred Scripture
What about the Legion, a many-demons group whom Lord Himself banished into herd of pigs in Mark 5? What about the demon inviting ‘seven other spirits’ to human soul (to the ‘house swept clean’) from Luke 11:24-26? Dude… think before writing something…
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He is no more “satanic” than King Kong, Godzilla, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, all of whom are similar fictional deities made up for purposes of entertainment.
Did you even read H.P.Lovecraft? You would’t say something like that, nor you would compare it to King Kong or Godzilla which are absolutely different type of fiction.

Whether you like it or not, major component of cosmic horror in general, and of Lovecraft’s work in particular, is the element of the occult. In many ways, Lovecraft’s occult aspects are true to the origins of the word: much of what various characters in his stories seek is that which remains hidden or concealed from view. By uncovering and practicing secret rituals and speaking ancient words, these characters reveal powerful knowledge and cosmic truths, both awesome and terrifying in their implications and scope. Not only that, but cosmic horror is a terribly pessimistic vision of the universe, where the position of man is determined as hopeless and there is no rescue for him. This is contrary to the Christian vision, where we are supposed to look at the world with love and faith, but also with hope.
This thread reminds me of a little anecdote by JRR Tolkien. He related that an admirer had sent him a fine goblet engraved with the Ring Verse (‘one ring to rule them all, etc.’). Tokien found it repulsive due to nature and content of the Ring Verse and its position within his literary mythos. So he refused to drink from it and instead used it as an ashtray.
cosmic horror is a terribly pessimistic vision of the universe
Yes, it’s a very dreary outlook on life. I think Lovecraft is a good short story and horror writer, and I occasionally read a story or two of his for a simple thrill, but I wouldn’t recommend his literature to the spiritually vulnerable. Likewise I wouldn’t purchase a Cthulu mug for the same reason that I wouldn’t drink from a Voldemort or Sauron mug.
He related that an admirer had sent him a fine goblet engraved with the Ring Verse (‘one ring to rule them all, etc.’). Tokien found it repulsive due to nature and content of the Ring Verse and its position within his literary mythos.
Yes, I remember this too! He even specified the words on the ring as “terrible”. It was in one of his letters.

Although the element of his story was fictional, he treated its nature the way he invented it — the One Ring was just evil.
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It’s in letter #343, in THE LETTERS OF J.R. R. TOLKIEN, which is only an excerpt related to the goblet. The letter was to Sterling Lanier, a writer and editor I have enjoyed, primarily in the SF field. I wish the excerpt was longer.
Tolkien fans unite! 😊

The key is not to forget that Sauron is portrayed as lesser-demon figure. Quite literally, because we know he was a spirit, and a mere servant to Morgoth, a primordial source of all evil in Tolkien’s world. Morgoth (his name translate to: “black foe of the world”) was the greatest of all angelic beings, who rebelled and ruined the God’s initial plan of the world.

Cthulhu too, while he is not the greatest in the Lovecraft’s cosmic pantheon of “The Elder Things”, he’s certainly an utterly evil being. His foretold awakening was supposed to plunge the world into chaos, darkness and madness and ultimately — to bring annihilation of the human species, which for the Old Ones was nothing more than ants.
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I will endeavor to respect your sensitivities.

Unfortunately, I have no way to avoid the mire, living in it. William F. Buckley Jr, had an appropriate quote, as to living in such times. I refrain to add further.
HPL fans likewise. Been collecting and reading both for a like number of years, around 55.
Apart from the things we’re talking about here, some of his work was quite good. The Colour Out of Space, but especially The Shadow over Innsmouth are probably among my favourite.

But sometimes I regret HPL himself. He was a really broken, ill and depressed man, he also died in sadness. I often pray for his soul that he will achieve salvation if he is in Purgatory.
You know what I think of DUNE. But, OTOH, I mentioned above, re: the goblet that Tolkien received, that the letter in which he mentioned it was addressed to a writer I enjoyed. That was Sterling Lanier, who, as a publisher’s editor, was instrumental in getting DUNE in print.
Indeed. And I don’t consider him a good writer (specializing in first person hysterical writing), though a creative one. I got much reference stuff.e during my days in the rare book business.

(Hmm. This didn’t get marked as a reply to Erundil. Which it is).
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Tolerated first. Finished 2nd. Quit 3rd.

Sorry I don’t have a 1st/1st HB. Do have a 1st/1st PB.
Because no demon except for Satan/Lucifer is mentioned in Sacred Scripture
What about the Legion, a many-demons group whom Lord Himself banished into herd of pigs in Mark 5? What about the demon inviting ‘seven other spirits’ to human soul (to the ‘house swept clean’) from Luke 11:24-26? Dude… think before writing something…
Yes, I am afraid I have to backpedal quite a bit from what I originally wrote. Although some of those names are more like titles, yes, there are demons named in Sacred Scripture, and yes, they are for reals. Thank you for the fraternal corrections.

But I do not think this makes HP Lovecraft’s inventions any less demonic. His mythos is novel and different, but it is still rooted in the true lies of occultism, and the world view is a polar opposite from that of Middle-Earth, or even the Wizarding World. Yes, man is a mere worm in the sight of God, but ours is a loving and merciful God, never indifferent or malevolent.

I think it is important to read literature and participate in fictional universes that reinforce our Catholic world-view and do not weaken or damage the virtues of faith, hope and love.
Asimov was a wordy idea monger. Little action. Giant, no less.

Chilton true firsts are astronomical, down to merely ridiculous, depending.
The price, of course, will vary with conditions and various points. I’ve seen 15K.
The FOUNDATION trilogy was the only SF my father ever read. He liked it.
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Chilton was famous for auto manuals, yes. And DUNE. And THE WITCHES OF KARRES/Schmitz. Others, I dunno

As to an appointment, I can understand it.
@Anesti33: I am sorry for this “dude”, shouldn’t have gotten into such a condescending tone right away. Sorry 🧡
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