One could say that spiritually, a God guided evolution can be understood as taking place. But there would be something, someone actually evolving. Through one’s actions, one’s decisions, one is changed, becoming the person one wills. There is a self-directed becoming through one’s free will, I suppose in a similar manner to the becoming of matter through its natural qualities. In both cases God creates the agent. As in the case of the environment, where the individual organism is created a new being from dust, we may see ourselves perhaps created new, from the remnants of our life.Guys, you have what it takes to survive in this thread. No evolution necessary!
In a worldly sense however, it all ends in ruin. We learn a lot but it will be lost. As much as I try to keep up with everything, I’ve forgotten more than I know. I’ve known enough people with Alzheimer’s to realize we should not pride ourselves for any cleverness we may possess. And, this is not only our personal fate, but that of the world, alienated from God.
In spite of all our pretty amazing gadgets and novel ways of killing one another, and of course medical treatments, which I would add, have “progressed” to now include euthanasia, we are growing in neither wisdom nor knowledge of the Truth. To have not succumbed to the shared illusions, in many cases delusions, of secular society hardly demonstrates a lack of intellectual evolution. It arises out of a need to think for oneself and not accept facile answers, a dedication to the truth, which is associated with the refusal to abandon reason and common sense.
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