Why does this disprove evolution?fruit trees preceded marine life
Why does this disprove evolution?fruit trees preceded marine life
Yes you are quite right.However, I think I detect a note of ignorance in your question, in that you appear to think that falsifiability must involve a practical exercise.
Because George Washington cannot be descended from Abraham Lincoln. Fruit Trees are descended from marine life. There was marine life in the Cambrian and there were no fruit trees in the Cambrian.Why does this disprove evolution?
Eh? You’ve missed the question and misunderstood the answer. Go back and try again.Tell you something was present.
They do not tell you how.
The earliest fruit yet discovered is from about 65 million years ago, which we might push to 80 million years if further discoveries warrant it, while the earliest marine life is from an order of magnitude earlier. If this were found to be in error, then the biblical account would gain traction.Why does this disprove evolution?
Fruit Trees are descended from marine life. There was marine life in the Cambrian and there were no fruit trees in the Cambrian.
The earliest living things were almost certainly aquatic, and probably marine, acquiring the nutrients they needed from the solution in which they lived. As they diversified, some of them acquired the skill of photosynthesis, making complex carbohydrates from air and water using light, and others didn’t. Plants of all kinds descend from these early one-celled photosynthesisers, so yes, fruit trees evolved from marine life. Most of the early marine organisms did not acquire photosynthetic ability, and evolved into animals. Animals did not evolve into plants.Marine life evolved into fruit trees?
Of course. And … ?When a seed is planted in the darkness it still sprouts.
Tree / Bush / even Network, it’s still universal common descent.This requires a tree of life. We now know it is a tangled bush. UCD has failed.